ok..looks like I am taking a year off from going to Youngstown. One of my loans didn't go through. So I'm going to take a couple of classes at a college near by untill next year. I'm kind of disapointed but then again its not totally lost. I'm still going, I just have to wait a little longer.
just got my belly peirced. It feels funny. It makes my whole stomach feel funny. Well anyway I have this horrible cold. I can't stop couphing. Anybody going to the free Joan Jett concert? I am. I can't wait. Joan Jett is the greatest.
paperwork ,paperwork so much paperwork for a university. I'm sick of reading all this paperwork. I'm nervouse about living with a stranger. I put on my roomate sheet for the dorms that I want no snoring or any noises while I sleep. Is that rude?
Yay!!! Good news!! I got accepted to Ohio University!! I'm going this fall. Woo hoo!! I really need this. God is looking out for me. He doesn't want to see me sad.