OK, bad morning so far, with my work email behaving like a bastard and a dreary day ahead but nothing could have stopped me getting angry over this:
Church supports gay-snub fireman.
So the Archbishop is concerned about the poor widdle firefighters getting all hot and bothered about having to work near gay people who may make comment about their helmets? Aw. In that case they must be terrified of being called out to hen parties. Diddums getting all het up cos these nasty shirtlifters are going against God's teachings and "would have been grossly offended by people dressed as priests and nuns lampooning the Church"? Shame. Well, if his argument (and I use the term loosely) is followed through, will these men will be able to refuse to drench a burning mosque as that will be against their precious sensibilities too? Yes it does extrapolate out.
Yes, my friends, isn't the Catholic Church a bastion of sense. Fuck, no. Does this man have any idea? Ditto. The word that comes to mind is irresponsible.
Right, I'm off to don a nun's outfit and a pari of comedy breasts and loiter outside the local fire station.