The Final Chapter (FOR NOW) in the Girl Saga

May 02, 2011 22:52

I'm amazing.

All pronouns are changed, but expect this to be a continuation of the chronicles of GIRL from the Pern sites.

Also, this is a chat-log where I disguised myself to infiltrate her site and find out what a dumbfuck she really is.  To Old Arch-Nemesis: I'm sorry for pretending to be you, but I sorta hate you so I guess I'm not.

Anyway this is REALLY old, like, a few months old. I wasn't going to post it but recent talk decided it was sort of worth it. Also, there's really no reason for me to keep it to myself. It's just undeniable proof that she is a liar. Also, I'm sick of e-mailing it to people. So all you lovely people get to see it.

[20:46] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: hi this is guest

[20:46] Girl McStupidBroad: Why hullo there, guest. :3

[20:46] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: my name is Old Arch-Nemesis

[20:46] Girl McStupidBroad: Old sound familiar. :-)

[20:47] Girl McStupidBroad: I mayhaps ran across you on another Pern site.

[20:47] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: an old friend named OP has p much ruined my rep on pern

[20:47] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: you may kno her as OP

[20:47] Girl McStupidBroad: lmao* I see. Well, she did the same to me.

[20:47] Girl McStupidBroad: So don't feel too bad.

[20:47] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: yah

[20:47] Girl McStupidBroad: There isn't anything 'fair' about her. ^^; But people will see for themselves, so it doesn't bother me.

[20:48] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: so you won't judge me for what she said right?

[20:48] Girl McStupidBroad: I don't even remember what she said.

[20:48] Girl McStupidBroad: -laughs-

[20:48] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: good

[20:48] Girl McStupidBroad: I don't form impressions based on someone else's word.

[20:49] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: yah well she rly is a bitch. likes to blame others for her shortcomings. plays games of pity and wants to give crap rpers good stuff but good ones bad stuff b/c she doesn't like them

[20:49] Girl McStupidBroad: And I wouldn't trust OP at this point if she were the last person on earth. And yes, I agree with all of that.

[20:49] Girl McStupidBroad: You're more than welcome to join Girl McStupidBroad’s Shitty Site. She has a whole slew of people there that can't stand her, so you'd fit right in.

[20:49] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: awesome

[20:50] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: i'm not too good at spelling but i got firefox so i'm getting better

[20:50] Girl McStupidBroad: True colors show eventually. And that's all right. We all start somewhere. :3

[20:51] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: yaaaah

[20:51] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: idk OP and i used to be tight

[20:51] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: like, we were always together.

[20:51] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: and then one day she just decided she hated me

[20:52] Girl McStupidBroad: Maybe you were a better rp'er or the mods liked you more.

[20:52] Girl McStupidBroad: That's why she hated me, I think.

[20:52] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: no we ran a site together

[20:52] Girl McStupidBroad: She wanted the gold and found out I was giving it to someone else.

[20:52] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: Place that Sucked

[20:52] Girl McStupidBroad: And flipped. I think I've heard that name.

[20:53] Girl McStupidBroad: It doesn't matter, though. People can't stand her save those she sucks up to. She has ruined Site in Question.

[20:53] Girl McStupidBroad: And made me lose people I called friends.

[20:53] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: tbh i'm surprised Site in Question has been open this long

[20:53] Girl McStupidBroad: So I guess they weren't real friends after all.

[20:53] Girl McStupidBroad: I'm surprised too. It's Admin Fyre who kept it together.

[20:53] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: i have Admin Rubi

[20:53] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: *hate

[20:53] Girl McStupidBroad: I know, I disliked her from day one.

[20:53] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: and Admin Fyre isn't much better

[20:53] Girl McStupidBroad: I like Admin Fyre but she doesn't stand up for herself at all.

[20:54] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: Admin Fyre was a shit mod on Old Site

[20:54] Girl McStupidBroad: Admin Fyre is a good person, but she lets herself be controlled by Admin Rubi.

[20:54] Girl McStupidBroad: Well, she was a friend to me. But not a very good one, she turned on me just because I no longer liked Admin Rubi at all. It's kind of saddening.

[20:54] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: OP, back then, had a team of mods consisting of Admin Rubi, Admin Fyre, and one other girl. she did all the work

[20:54] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: it rly stressed her out, so i volunteered to help and i became staff

[20:55] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: guess i'm surprised that those two actually kept a site running

[20:55] Girl McStupidBroad: They didn't.

[20:56] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: eh it outlived Place that Sucked

[20:56] Girl McStupidBroad: Yes, but that's because Admin Fyre did all the work and I helped out with great ideas and support.

[20:56] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: which would have been fine if OP didn't fuck up all the discipline and blame all its problems on me, or try to override me at every turn

[20:56] Girl McStupidBroad: She's a control freak, that much I know.

[20:56] Girl McStupidBroad: I've seen it first hand.

[20:56] Girl McStupidBroad: She thinks she's fooling everyone but no one there likes her, save maybe Admin Rubi and Admin Fyre.

[20:57] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: oh :C

[20:57] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: it was the exact opposite on Place that Sucked

[20:57] Girl McStupidBroad: They say they have 'history'...yet she killed off her dragon and turned it to belt and boots, and caused so much drama she got herself banned.

[20:57] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: everyone loved OP there. and me, well, no one loved me.

[20:57] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: well

[20:57] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: i don't see why she even came back tbh

[20:57] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: guess she went back to bad crowds but

[20:58] Girl McStupidBroad: Well, like I said: I don't form opinions based on the words of people like that. And you have a perfectly clean slate with me.

[20:58] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: they stole from her. as much as i hate OP, well... Admin Fyre and Admin Rubi aren't angels

[20:58] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: they p much took everything from Old Site and made it into a running site. shows how much creativity they have

[20:58] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: yay!

[20:59] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: so what sort of characters do you need?

[20:59] Girl McStupidBroad: Yeah, I agree. We need anything you have to offer. -smiles- Candidates. Transfer riders. Weyrfolk. Crafters.

[21:00] Girl McStupidBroad: Male and female both. We're a fresh site. But my old site of years ago ran nearly 10 years...I missed how it used to be fair and everyone got along. So Girl’s Sister suggested Girl McStupidBroad’s Shitty Site, I made it happen. :3

[21:00] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: mmmhmmm

[21:01] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: if i make a girl

[21:01] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: will you promise me one thing?

[21:01] Girl McStupidBroad: Sure.

[21:01] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: no gold

[21:01] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: i hate gold

[21:01] Girl McStupidBroad: lol*

[21:01] Girl McStupidBroad: I don't blame you.

[21:02] Girl McStupidBroad: If it wasn't for the fact I loved Girl McStupidBroad’s Shitty Dragon so much I would never have made one here. But Girl’s Sister didn't want to either. We agreed if one did the other would. lmao*

[21:02] Girl McStupidBroad: Yes, I can promise that. ;3 Do you mind sub-queens though, in case one should fit?

[21:02] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: ehh maybe

[21:02] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: i play lesbians though

[21:02] Girl McStupidBroad: Oh! Lovely! Girl’s Sister will adore you.

[21:02] Girl McStupidBroad: <3

[21:03] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: rly? Girl’s Sister plays them?

[21:03] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: suddenly i am happier

[21:03] Girl McStupidBroad: Yeah!

[21:03] Girl McStupidBroad: I do too.

[21:03] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: after losing OP i lost my only femmeslash pern partner

[21:03] Girl McStupidBroad: -grins-

[21:03] Girl McStupidBroad: I have a couple lesbians, a couple bi-sexual. Girl’s Sister plays mostly lesbians.

[21:03] Girl McStupidBroad: And she is one in real life. -grins-

[21:04] Really Me Disguised as My Old Arch-Nemesis: i am bisexual. have a bf right now

[21:04] Girl McStupidBroad: Niiice. ^^

[21:04] Girl McStupidBroad: Well, you'll fit right in. :3

u mad?, op is the brp, how not to roleplay, little miss crankypants, atenshun plz, please post moar macros, ponies ponies ponies!!!, amirite, dragonriders of pern, it was a good idea to post this why?, calling all white knights

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