Jan 27, 2011 21:37
I find it's a trend in the especially pretentious role players to make a character that is so utterly revolting that standing near it would induce vomiting. Ah, yes, the Sue I'd like to call, "Totally Acceptable Mary Sue". You know, the kind that never, ever says anything nice to anyone and is totally a bad person and is probably ugly (or incredibly effeminate), yet you still characterize him/her like a hero.
TAMS will disrespect authority and GET AWAY WITH IT, will probably be adored by the creator who doesn't realize how much of a twat he is, and will likely be either an EXCELLENT LEADER, an INNOVATIVE THINKER, or a SELFLESS HERO beneath all the layers of dickfuckery (bonus points for ALL THREE <3). TAMS is ALWAYS painful, but it's even more painful than someone with talent plays one.
Another thing to note with TAMS: they cause brain hemorrhaging just from interaction, especially if the rest of the site likes to suck his/her dick. They are going to be entirely bitchy and never say anything nice to your character, even if your character is PERFECTLY kind and polite, and they will likely be seen as the victor in any situation. Guess who gets the hero card for raping your innocent flower-girl? HE DOES!
As a member, the only way to cure TAMS is to unleash the fury of the Devil's Machine upon its hideous form. Since the TAMS is the most insincere, hideous creature alive, he doesn't have the purity to pray for his salvation, and soon he will be just another meal for the Universal Cosmic Destroyer. You probably will get promptly banned from the site, but it is 100% worth it. When a TAMS is on a site, it can ruin the entire experience. Thus, you must learn to check for the signs of a TAMS.
Signs That a Character Might Be a TAMS:
1) The character has as many De-Sueifying traits as humanly possible.
2) The character is ugly.
3) The player is the most ungodly pretentious shit to ever wander into your site.
4) The player is in a stage where they see nice as a synonym to Mary Sue.
5) The character is described as extremely popular with the opposite sex, despite being fuck-ugly and having no redeemable qualities.
6) The character has a shining moment of glory where he and he alone becomes the great hero that the situation needs. This does not change him; instead, he's just as much of an asshole as ever, but now he can say he's "better than you".
7) If female, the character will spurn any male advances. Even saying "hello" will result in a Mortal Feminazi Beat-Down.
8) The character is clearly a cut-and-dry Anti-Sue, but the admins still accept him.
9) You want to kill the player every time you see the character.
10) The player has a whole bunch of fantards who think the character is TEH SHITZ. Player also thinks this.
11) The player is ridiculously possessive of the character.
and finally...
12) The player has no intentions of leashing the character, thus letting it rain hell upon your entire forum, making the entire thing smell of rancid TAMS.
As an admin, you can help prevent TAMS. Kill them before your sane members start to contemplate mass murder followed by suicide. Please. For your site's sake.