Jan 27, 2011 08:47
Dear Select Female (Probably Adolescent) Roleplayers,
Perhaps you all weren't aware of this, but your chubby, cutesy manchild who has no purpose or redeeming quality above the level of the housecat beside me isn't, in fact, original. In fact, I could probably make an army out of all of the characters identical of yours, and they would span fandoms and species that I would never have dreamed. Furthermore, it would be really nice if you wouldn't try to tell me that my antagonist or even slightly serious character should go easy on/respect your character because he's got some amazing secret power inside of him/will save us all/is really just so adowwable awwwwwh, because, well, why can't this be a Disney movie, too? To be frank, I don't care if you have the respect of the community, probably due to nurturing instinct, and nine times out of ten I don't play characters who are going to give a toss if everyone else gets disproportionately pissed at making a flabby man-baby cry.
In conclusion, if you want my respect and if you want the respect of my characters, many of which are far more callous and cruel than I would condone of myself, play a character that merits their respect and earn it. I'm not about to hand out any respect to anyone; this isn't a respect two-for-one bargain bin sale. If you're going to play an infantile moron who serves to take up space, then they're going to be treated as such. I don't care how many girls your character calls "mommy" that they dive behind for protection whenever they're treated as they should, you're still a joke to me and a glorified pet to everyone else. Thus, my ultimatum: until the aforementioned manchild/manchildren grow themselves a pair of balls and start acting like creatures that are to be taken seriously, they will not be.
I imagine this has been as roundabout and ranty and repetitive as it could get, but I'm starting to get sick of this trend. It was moronic before it became so common and it's even more moronic now. I guess that this is really it; this is the other side of the coin to creepy, lonely guys playing vapid sluts with huge tits. If you're going to get even slightly angry at the thought of men reducing a female to such a thing, then I would kindly suggest taking a good, hard look at your budding misandry and stop reducing men to giant babies.
The United Transdimensional Coalition of Not-Very-Nice Fellows.
made it to sf_drama,
op is the brp,
you might be a bad roleplayer if,
please post moar macros,
this gawn be good!,
doing it wrong,
needs moar fail,
epic fail,
but y u mad gisei_nashi_ni?,
aaaand journal deletion!,
research is your friend,
buy a clue