An update to the Snowball Of Suck story by
citrusy_fun, with episodes 1 and 2 available
here and
here, respectively.
For ease of reference (and because I'm lazy and want to type as little as possible), Crazy Admin shall be referred to as Batshit. Starting with a B because so does her username, and ending with "atshit" because the woman's, well, batshit. Most of you can probably figure out who "Oranges" refers to (HINT: it rhymes with
citrusy_fun...okay, so it is). This is the response his request for his apps mentioned in the last post received (it's also the first entry in the log). Any bold text within the logs is emphasis added by me, mainly for highlighting the most humorous part of this exchange, whereas all bold text not italicized is just commentary.
Thu Nov 18, 11:58:00pm
Oranges: You told us we had two weeks. Going by your own e-mail. You've given us one week. I'd like all my applications.
Fri Nov 19, 3:18:18pm
Batshit: Oranges, please don't give me that attitude. I did ay two weeks. I also said all you had to do was ask and I'll give them to you. I got the new site up early and I closed this one down so no one would try and sign up here.
Fri Nov 19, 3:19:12pm
Batshit: its not like I've deleted everything on these boards.
Fri Nov 19, 3:19:38pm
Batshit: which was the original plan.
(Notice how Batshit's missing the point. Also, for those not in the know, Invision has an option to disable new account registrations, accessible through the admin control panel. Even if Batshit really WAS unaware of that, she could have just made another GIANT TEXT ANNOUNCEMENT on the top of the board that said "This board is closed" or something, like she did to announce the all-male ban.)
Fri Nov 19, 9:50:51pm
Oranges: I think my 'attitude' is justified. I'd like my applications, and lets leave it at that. You can send them to [email removed], and that's the end of it.
Fri Nov 19, 11:29:28pm
Batshit: Oranges I'd like to thank you for being so kind and understanding with me. I've always tried to be that way with all my members and I was really hoping for some support in getting this site going again after it's massive inactivity. I never directed any hostility towards you like you have me which I think is unjustified. If you had taken offense to anything I said or did, that's on you. not me.
(Now, I might just be biased in this, but I honestly didn't see any hostility. The most I could attribute to Oranges in this situation is annoyance / displeasure, since it's been a day since the app request, and Batshit obviously saw it. Also, notice the bolded text in the log. Real soon, you're going to understand why I was tempted to nickname her "Schizophrenic" instead.)
Fri Nov 19, 11:32:36pm
Oranges: Okay... just want my applications. Still waiting for them.
Fri Nov 19, 11:32:49
Batshit: I'm working on it. I have to download then. Fuck off.
(Yup, that happened. Three minutes, twenty one seconds after saying she always tries to be so kind and understanding with all her members, THAT happens.)
At that point I jump in, because this is just getting stupid. I ask why she has to download them, when I'm sure Oranges would be perfectly content with a simple copy / paste to a word doc. She claims it's faster that way. Which is weird, because it's been over 24 hours, but hey, maybe "faster" is more relative than I thought. She then claims she didn't have his email, and I have to point out that you can easily get it just by looking a user up in the control panel. The odds of her not knowing THIS are astronomical, as she would have had to use this feature to promote her two admins (Daisy and Rose). But, I don't harp on it, mainly because she continued making excuses.
"Too busy" is the next one. Or, to quote:
I'm not sitting on this site for hours on end waiting for a reply. I have things to do
Lady, I'm not the best admin in the world. But I know when you make a big decision like shutting down and retconning a board without much warning (and then actually do so before the time given expires), I'd say it's your responsibility to deal with the damn consequences. On top of that, it's not like you weren't online. You're the one that posted the link to the new site, which is how I know you were sitting around in the cbox during the interval. Besides, this process? It takes less than half an hour, tops. I've copied half a character registry in as much time (unrelated story from another site. Admin gave us one hour to get into the closed board and get our stuff, then he was closing it again forever, and I knew some people weren't online. So I grabbed their stuff too, and emailed it). Then Batshit says she's got dial-up. Okay, if this is the case, I'm a little unclear on how fucking about trying to download a character profile is faster, but whatever. It might be, marginally, but I don't care. I point out again that she had the option to just disable new registrations rather than shutting down the whole board, if new people registering was the chief concern that led to shutting down the board in the first place. Then this happens.
Fri Nov 19, 11:57:14pm
Batshit: yeah I didn't know that either. but what's done is done and I can't go back and do it over again.
(I can't really make a call on what Batshit really does and doesn't know, but come on. That second line is just laziness. IT TAKES LESS THAN FIVE MINUTES TO DO JUST THAT.)
Fri Nov 19, 11:58:21pm
Me: Actually unless you deleted everything, you CAN go back, re-open the board using the same menu you disabled it with, and then turn off new registrations.
Fri Nov 19, 11:58:35pm
Me: Even edit forum permissions to disable new topics if you wanna be sure nothing happens
Fri Nov 19, 11:59:24pm
Batshit: I could but now I really dont want to.
Fri Nov 19, 11:59:39pm
Me: So why didn't you just say that?
Fri Nov 19, 11:59:54pm
Me: It's obviously not an issue of "can't," it's an issue of "won't"
Sat Nov 20, 12:00:07am
Batshit: because I was considering that before someone got hostile with me.
(Lady, you told him to fuck off. The first hostility in this whole ordeal came from you. And he still remained pretty pleasant to deal with (there was an unreasonable bit about demanding his threads after you threw your little bitch fit, but still, no outright bitching or hostility, except from you). I don't think you know what hostility from a member actually looks like, insults haven't even started flying yet.)
Cue ten minutes of further backpedaling, which ends with you saying you're aware you were the one who kicked off the hostilities, it's your first reaction to things, and agree when I warn you that if THAT'S the first reaction, letting it out at the members as soon as it comes is going to result in a lot more board closures (seriously, I'd know, I used to bite people's head off as an admin at the slightest provocation too, and it ended just as badly).
Sat Nov 20, 12:09:19
Batshit: I can see your point and I will try to work on my temper. Regardless of what I may seem like, I really don't like being like that.
I didn't believe this then, I don't believe it now, and I wasn't surprised that when you finally emailed Oranges his applications, you had this little note attached:
"if you need anything else, contact [Rose]. I'm done dealing with you."
Your little vow to try working on your temper and at least try to be a polite admin lasted less than twenty minutes. Fuck you, Batshit. I'm glad I jumped ship BEFORE the crazy hit the fan, and got my apps when I still had the chance. I've somehow got a feeling the only reason you weren't an out and out bitch to me is because you knew I'd done so, so you had absolutely no leverage.
EDIT: Admin's nickname changed to "Batshit" because someone [privately and] politely requested I do so.