Apparently this game is notorious for modfail/miscommunication/etc, but I'm not in the game, I was just apping, so I had not experienced this first hand. Until my app, that is.
There's a rule in this game that says you cannot mix canons (ie: no book and movie together, or comic and movie together, etc etc and so forth). As a habitual mixer of canons, I'm a little wary of such things, but a good friend of mine is in the comm and was also apping one of my guy's canonmates, and she really really wanted me to join. So I figured I'd give it a shot.
Now, my character is only in the movie version for about twenty minutes total, and we get absolutely no backstory on him. None. At all. He sprang forth from the head of Zeus full grown and hopped into the movie at the peak of his career. Naturally, this provides some issues with the 'character history' section, so I asked one of the mods if it would be okay if I used comic backstory, and then movie canon. They allegedly checked with the other mods and said this was fine.
Awesome. Not only do I say "comic canon up to this point, then movie canon", but I actually take the time to write out his backstory up until the movie starts, and describe how he transitions from comic to movie canon. It flows, I feel, quite seamlessly.
Two and a half agonizing weeks later, I hear back. Rejected, on the basis that I mixed comic and movie canon.
I contact the mod I'd talked to the first time around to ask why I'd been rejected based on something I'd had permission for. They say they'll talk to their fellow mods and the app team and see what's what.
So I get another message, saying that the app team feels the comic and movie canon are too different, and I can resubmit the app after picking one or the other.
But -- you said -- and -- fine, okay. I revise and take out all the comic canon and resubmit.
Now, this character is nuts. I mean -- seriously nuts. Winds up in an insane asylum kind of nuts. I'm fascinated by psychology and so I dig into this and make an amateur diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder. This is included in the app in the personality section, because the guy has three personalities (in my opinion) and I wanted to include all of them. As per the app, I included references to his scenes in the movie and do a thorough analysis of his personality.
A week after my revisions, I get another message. Please revise the personality section, the app team feels there's too much headcanon going on without enough movie canon support.
... oh. Okay. Um. Well he's only in the movie for twenty minutes, so obviously there's going to be headcanon, right? Apparently this isn't okay. They want strict movie canon.
Because I hate being wrong and I'm sort of a snarky bitch sometimes (or a lot), I do a scene-by-scene analysis of the movie, providing timestamps and exact moments of personality switches, analyzing body language, tone of voice, and speech pattern to back up my claims. The entire analysis ends up being 1973 words.
Resubmit. Two days later, rejected. I have too much headcanon and not enough movie canon to back it up. But I'm free to resubmit the app after revisions, in the next application round.
You know what? Fine. I took the time to show you exactly why I interpret this character the way I do, within the bounds of your stupid no-canon-mixing rule. I write you a four page essay on why, based on the movie, I write him this way. But you still reject him. Because I used too much creativity. That's cool. I just won't be apping again.
In regards to the whole "But the mods said I could :(" thing, I'm not the only one this happened to. My friend specifically asked if she was allowed to play two versions of the same character (two completely different canons, one the original books and one a modern television adaptation), and the mods said yes. Her app was rejected because the app team didn't feel she should play both adaptations.
Also, they told her the sexuality was wrong. I -- what? They said he had heterosexual leanings, when in canon he's said, on several occasions, he hates women. whatisthatidon'teven.
TL;DR: Mods need to tell the goddamn app team when they've okayed something for an app. They should also tell each other this. Otherwise, players get frustrated and bitchy and leave the game. Just saying.
Also, apparently no creative interpretation is allowed for character personalities. Even when said character has about twenty minutes of screentime, total. This is lamesauce.