You look like him, but...

Sep 14, 2010 18:43

What the hell? This isn't the name of that one canon character from the newly released game! And what the hell is with this bio...!?

Okay, I'll be frank instead of coyly dancing around the issue. Recently joined a new Kingdom Hearts game because the idea of putting one of the canon characters through horrible trials intrigued me. I'm a sucker for that, so sue me. To whittle away the time, I was continuously checking the profile thread to see if any new people had joined.

Imagine my surprise when, as I'm scrolling down, I see fanart of Vanitas as someone's 'appearance' picture! Whoa! Instantly, I'm onguard. In the one RP you may have heard of that Higenshi and I were in, with Miss White and Mister Black and all that, I already had my post-KH2 Sora separated from Roxas when the latter was A) not on the character roster in the first place, B) no one ever asked if that was cool with me, the Sora RPer, and C) the Sue 'magically' separated and waved her magic Sue wand so that nothing was wrong and everything was better.

So yeah. I'm suspicious.

As I scroll down, I'm further bewildered. For one thing, this guy seems to be calling Vanitas by the name of 'Zero'. Hey, wait, why is he growing up as a normal teenager in some place called Lunar Kingdom or whatever the hell...? Wait... I had to hold my head as I processed just what was going on: this guy was using a picture of a fucking canon character as his OC's picture. Head? Desk. I'm sure you two will get along wonderfully.

That's when my delusional state of optimism reared her itty bitty head. Wait, I thought, this IS just fanart! And it's of Vanitas without his helmet. Maybe if I check some of the other pictures he's provided, it'll show he just didn't know what Vanitas looked like and probably didn't play BBS yet. For this RP, you're semi-required to provide pictures of what your character (OC or not) would look like in other worlds. You know, Atlantica and all that fun stuff, where you're a mermaid or a savanna animal. As I look at his things of Halloween Town, the Toy Story world, stuff like that... I note with a sinking stomach that, nope, Optimism is wrong. He's using Vanitas pictures for those too, including one straight from the game.

I told Desk that things just didn't seem to be that romantic between him and Head, so I broke them off and instead introduced Head to Wall.

Oh no. Tell me you did not just use a canon character's picture as that of your OC's. For no good reason. At all. Trust me, I looked. Are you smoking something!?

Suppressing the deep urge to find this guy and beat him soundly to death, I instead point this out rationally to the OP, who presumably hadn't played the games either or wasn't even paying attention. After all, not only is this guy being a fucking retard by using a CANON CHARACTER as his OC's picture, he's just spoiled the game for everyone who hasn't played it yet. Nice going, asshole. Do you even think before doing anything?

Still, he says he'll change it with minimum fuss, so things should be okay, right?


We grilled him today since he still hadn't changed his picture. Without really saying anything and just being silent, he does indeed go to change his picture... To numerous screenshots of Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho. Taken straight from the anime and whatnot. His excuse?

I like having my pictures for my character match when I need more then one and by match I mean hair color and eye color should be the same. so in the case of a kingdom hearts rp where there are more then one picture required I go with characters that I know I can find something to fit for each change in appearance.

Listen, asshole, not only is it really really pathetic excuse, but your guy isn't anything special. He has no unique scars, no missing limbs... He's Generic Anime Guy With Black Hair And Whateverthefuck Eyes #34634634675474. Those things are a dime a dozen on Photobucket, especially from random dating sims that will never leave Japan or even possibly be heard of even in their homecountry.

Besides, there's a fatal flaw in that argument...


Doesn't look like this.

Nice try, fuckwad.Last I checked, 'tho, you don't get magical hair extensions in Atlantica and that looks shit all like the pictures you keep supplying.

And then there's the chick who tried to defend his flawed way of thinking.

It is defiantly easier using cannon characters from other animes/games/mangas.
Im using Rin from the vocaloids~
As long as it isn't a character from the anime there really isn't any harm, is there?

While I understand that no one really cares that you use pictures from Photobucket of Generic Anime Guy from Random Dating Sim No One Outside Japan Will Ever Play, especially since some RPs require that you show a picture and not everyone is an artist...
Dude. I did a Photobucket search for 'black hair anime guy' and got shitloads of pictures that weren't a super popular character from a popular anime/game/whatever. You can do it too, asshat. Or, if you really want to aspire, you could just go to our Art Shop forum or the Art Freebies joint and request something original!

But I don't have that much hope for either of you. Besides, there's one big thing that I think you two are missing about this fandom...


And I was actually looking forward to this RP because there had been a lack of Sues up to that point, the OP seemed nice, and I was getting some quality time with friends. Goddammit.

A guy uses a canon character's picture as his OC picture, and him and a chick fail to see the problem here.

bad character art, amirite, atenshun plz, kingdom hearts

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