You annoy the snot out of me.
You are a sex freak. All you can think about is sex sex sex. It's like we have a direct line to your brain. I don't want.
This rpg isn't a sex room. It's a school rpg. and all your characters are sex feinds. Even the ones who shouldn't be. Allow me to show you.
W - is basically a face for your opinions. He isn't in character. He is always fucking, and to top it off. You made him bisexual, when it is clearly stated he isn't interested in men. Also he gets involved in drama so easily. Like damn, just let him have a drama free day and I wouldn't be so pissed. Also he has a habit of calling people who aren't as interested in being tools cunts and executioners and assholes. I know he has a problem with authority but he hardly is this much of a douchebag when dealing with them.
I obviously hate your characterization.
X - is a kind hearted, derpy fellow who is hopelessly in love with a girl he hardly knows. He wants to get married like burning. But he wants to bone her more.
Y - is a ditzy blond girl who is boy crazy. But've turned her into a kleptomaniac and someone who can 'blow with the best of them'
I'm not joking.
Also. Your unwillingness to just join in on group activities that aren't in game just pisses me off. You're so close minded in the worst way. I am just WAITING for the day you get kicked out. Seriously. I hope you change drastically before you dick yourself over.
And to the other fuckwad.
You godmode. And I hate you. Because your character isn't a good fighter. They went up against a trained military operative and kicked their ass. Clearly you need to speak with the people you fight with before you do this so they can agree to having their asses handed to them instead of wanting to verbally spank you every time you do this.
No love.