You guys are an impartial lot, can you tell me what I did wrong? Cause I can't figure it out. This is a Pern game, and the names have been changed. Lucy is the admin's character, and Eve is mine. There are two others involved here, but as you can see, it was me and the admin that had the difficulty. I haven't received a reply from admin yet, I'm just pissed off and confused. ww=Junior Weyrwoman, WW=Senior Weyrwoman, WL=Weyrleader.
ww Lucy stood up and ran her hands over her target white fighting leathers as if brushing off dust. That gave her time to compose herself for her subject...
"One of my first jobs as a brand new weyrling ww, several turns ago, was to begin work on the hides. By hides I mean the kind we scrape and treat and records news and science and discoveries on for preservation. Acid eats at the hides over time and so do other factors such as temperature and the occasional bug. At Harper Hall, near Fort, there are hides almost 3500 turns old that tell of our original ancestors. The hides aren't that old - but what they said was faithfully copied and recopied over time. That way what we have learned is never lost to us. Hides are a precious resource and when you are assigned a task almost the first thing you will do if you are smart is to look up the hides carrying the news and lists and thoughts of the last person to tackle that particular task. But if we don't take particular care of them those precious ideas and thoughts and discoveries will be lost, possibly forever." She paused.
"It is important to file them all correctly so information isn't lost by accident - a scroll or hide on a particular Dragon ailment's cure is misplaced and the search takes so long we loose a Dragon... If that didn't upset you, picture it being YOUR DRAGON that was lost. NOW is it important?" She paused for effect.
"And so we assign new ww's to search through the library and check every hide, first to see their condition and second to see they are filed properly. Some hides must be copied several times and filed in several places because they contain information that needs to be preserved on different topics. We keep a written register of all our hides and scrolls but sometimes mistakes are made in the register and sometimes the hides are simply placed wrong back in the library. Spending time among the hides is not punishment, it is a precious resource that you will be grateful for the first time the WW trust you with an important task on your own and you really need to find the Hide that tells how the LAST ww did that task... And if it is YOUR Dragon that is sick or injured and you can't find the hide with the cure on it YOU loose YOUR Dragon because it was misfiled - THEN how will you feel? Angry? Upset no one fixed the misfile? Well, here is a chance to prevent that..." She looked around to see if they were listening...
Eve slipped her feet out of her boots and folded her legs under her, leaning her elbows on the table as she turned her attention to ww Lucy. She nodded absently in agreement, knowing the importance of preserving information from her time spent at the Harper and Healer Halls. Canting her head slightly at the mention of dragon ailments, her curious and surprised expression abruptly shifted to affronted irritation.
< Hmm...? > Mexith's sleepy voice wove it's way into her thoughts, cool and soothing even though she'd been roused from her nap by the flash of anger. < She's not talking about us. We care very much for all our dragons, and they are all important to us. She's just... >
>...making a point,< Eve sighed mentally, glancing at the pile of hides. >I don't see why she has to go ahead and assume we're all insensitive self-centered wherries. I guess I'd hoped...<
< ...there would be more of an understanding between you? > finishing her chosen's thought just like Eve had finished hers. < Give it time. >
The lanky girl tugged on a lock of her short copper hair and looked back up at Lucy. She bridled as the older woman continued to emphasize the idea that the only way she would take this seriously was if her own dragon's life was at risk. Taking a breath she filtered through the speech logically, and her features scrunched into a thoughtful scowl.
“That's silly,” she said, reaching out and plucking one of the hides from the pile.
< Eve... >
>It is, and you know it!<
< That's not the point, and you know it! >
“Why waste time, ink, and hide re-copying the same information just to put it in several different places within the same room? That only makes more clutter you have to sift through when you're looking for something else. If you catalogue all the hides in the register, and cross-reference the list by topic and subject matter, then you only need to look at the list to find the corresponding hide that contains the information you need,” Eve said, tracing a circle over the hide in front of her. “If it had been misplaced you would have had to search for it anyway, so having several copies isn't a valid excuse for a lack of organization. Making multiple copies takes up space and time for both the scribe and the searcher, especially if you have to muddle through several copies of the same thing just to get to the one that you're looking for.”
Liz sat quietly, relaxed and at ease in her chair. She was feeling rejuvenated from her time napping with Cleoth and was perfectly willing to sit through as much lecture time as was necessary. As long as it didn't cut into evening feeding time... Cleoth needed a full belly to sleep through the night. Involuntarily, Liz gave a quiet sigh that was half affectionate and half tired.
Eve seemed self conscious, trying to hide her hand and her arm. Liz's eyes flickered with shadows momentarily. She wanted to comfort Eve... but the younger girl would probably be embarrassed that her actions had been noticed, so Liz pretended not to see. Half of getting beyond loss was learning to live with it, and though it was hard to hold back Eve had to learn how to adjust herself on her own.
< And she has Mexith to help her, > Cleoth remarked, blinking sleepily in the sun outside. < My sister will know better than anyone how to handle her girl. > There was an edge of amusement in Cleoth's tone that brought Liz's attention away from the lecture on the importance of hide preservation. What did Cleoth mean by that? Liz was learning that very subtle nuances were the only clues to what Cleoth was thinking and feeling; the young gold was good at presenting a false-face so to speak, and that particular tone meant that something was going on between dragons that she found amusing.
>Are you hiding something from me?<
< Their interactions are amusing, that's all, > Cleoth said, stretching out further in the sun.
A minute later Liz realized that Eve must have been getting her courage up, because she began arguing with Lucy. Liz smiled to herself, leaning her chin on one hand and watching through half-lowered eyes. She could see the wisdom of both sides, and was interested in which arguments they would present for their cases. Inwardly, Liz experienced a momentary swelling of pride in Eve. That was really a good idea... perhaps if it was implemented multiple copies wouldn't be such a hassle. If you knew where everything was, and there were always three copies, it would just be a matter of skipping over the required number and...
Cleoth snorted, entirely uninterested, and shifted over on her back to expose her fire-kissed underbelly to the sun; which felt good as it combatted the chill in the air.
ww Lucy smiled, someone had taken the bait... "We do catalogue them all,and THAT means someone has to check and make sure they are properly catalogued and that none are missing, misfiled, or damaged. And that is another reason we all spend time doing that task. One set of eyes can miss things, but several sets and one of us is bound to catch each and every item. And there was a fire, a bad one, in one of the minor Pern Army Holds adecade ago. The Hides were lost, but, thankfully, the Holdfollowed Pern Army Policy as does Igen. We had multiples of every hide, some stored out of the Hold. against need. No information was lost. If you only have a single copy of a thing and it gets lost or destroyed or damaged you lost it forever. And we weyrwomen will not allow that to happen, it is our special responsibility."
“I never said you should only have one copy,” Eve said, her brown eyes lighting up. “That's even more silly than having too many. Of course, you never said that all these several multiple copies were sent out to different locations, which is why I made it clear that I thought it was ridiculous to have several copies of the same thing in the same room. If all the copies had been in that one room, then they all would have been destroyed in the fire just the same as if you had only the original.”
The copper-haired teen shrugged slightly and tapped the hide in front of her. “I still think it's a waste of time and resources for the ww to be scribing hoards of copies of the same document; the wasted resources being the archivists that are specifically trained to be doing just that. And no, I don't think the ww should be absolved of all the duties. Handling the original, scribing the one or two master copies that would be kept there in the Weyr, and keeping up the maintenance on the catalogue and files should be done by the ww so the information is also stored in the most important place.” She tapped her temple meaningfully.
ww Peggy liked the way Eve thought and wondered if WW Sally would comment on the issue. There was nothing wrong with change if it benefited the weyr and made the work easier.
ww Lucy replied dryly, "Oh? Dependent on Holders and Crafters, are we? Almost every Rider at Igen is a Craftsperson as well as a Rider and usually has a second Craft as well. What you miss by trusting others is that they do not have a Weyr's priorities in mind. What we think of as important a Holder or Crafter would disregard and not give a second thought. What they consider important we disregard because it doesn't effect us. Multiple copies prevent loss, spreading them out insures everyone has access. Making the copies teaches responsibility for and awareness of the importance of those hides and scrolls. I once found a strange item in the library: a set of wooden sticks all te same size and shape and thickness, sewed together with animal fibers into a sort of screen. There was a strange kind of writing on them. I got help from archivists and eventually an ancient hide with a list of two alphabets, the one we use today and the old one on the wooden screen book, and we translated it. It turned out to be a description of how to find a hidden room in Fort Hold where ancient medicines were found. Healers were able to use the other side of the wooden book to make more of the stuff, and so have a supply handy in case of need. The cure was for a rare Dragon ailment I had never even heard of. That's why we had a copy. I get the idea you only like important work... Well, there are no unimportant jobs in a Weyr. Even floor sweeping has a purpose. And, too, as our founding WL always says, 'If you are too important to do the busy work, you are not to be trusted with the important things.'. That man is my father, WL Bigman. Think about it - That's how we select people for promotions and posts of trust at Igen. If you are too important to get your nails dirty and your hands busy, you won't be earning the Knots of leadership posts any time soon. No Weyr will trust an important post to someone who can't do ALL the tasks that come to hand since that means they don't know them. And if a leader does not know how things are done, exactly what is she leading? This is a testing period to separate the future leaders from the future staff and service people."
Eve felt her hackles rising at Lucy's dry tone, her anger and disbelief growing stronger as the woman started contradicting herself and degenerating to insults. When the lengthy speech was over, she opened her mouth to return the insults in kind.
< Is she talking about YOU?! > Mexith's voice interrupted with a wave of astonished confusion so strong that Eve was rendered momentarily speechless. < You don't like getting your nails CLEAN! >
Eve blinked, and started to snicker. She flopped back in her chair, leaning her head against the wood and just laughed and laughed. She laughed at Lucy for being foolish, and for making a fool of her. She laughed at the total ridiculousness of the insult Lucy had so easily thrown at her. She laughed because Mexith was so perplexed it was making her head spin. But above all, she laughed because Lucy was so completely and totally wrong about the kind of person she was!
< Well, I'm glad you think this is funny, > Mexith interjected, her confusion starting to shift to irritation. < That woman had no right to insult you like that, she doesn't even know who you are! You had a very good idea, and she-- >
>Temper, temper...< Eve interjected in a sing-song voice, nudging the Gold's mind with thoroughly amused and soothing thoughts. >No horning in on my turf, I'm supposed to be the one with the rage issues.<
Mexith just snorted, though her anger began to dissipate.
>She's too narrow-minded and judgmental to get worked up over anyway. Arguing with those kinds of people is like beating your face into a stone wall. Besides, she's supposed to be my “teacher”, I have to learn from her.<
< Learn what? > The young Queen snorted again.
< ...if she can teach it to you, I'll at least give her credit for that... >
>Go back to sleep, lovely.<
Wiping a tear from her eye, Eve cleared her throat and shifted her feet so she was sitting cross-legged. “I apologize, Lucy, I've derailed the point of the lesson. Perhaps we should continue with the teaching rather than tossing insults at each other?” She smiled politely, waiting to hear more about hidework.
OOC: ? What is going on? If you are attempting a plotline here please inform me, I do not see how your responses have a thing to do with what the ww is saying here. Your character seems to be interpreting it PERSONALLY and the ww is talking about everyone EXCEPT HER. She needs to get over herself is what Lucy will assume IF she ever gets let in on what your character is thinking/saying to her Gold.
As for your character being insulting, clear that with the player of th other character... in this case - me. My fellow GM's are used to me Rampaging... and have complained I have been too nice lately. I can fix that...
Quoting Ricky Ricardo: " 'Splain it to me, O.B.Driftwood."
I will add an IC response separately once I understand WHAT you are trying to achieve.
Okay, now I'M confused... I'm not trying to achieve anything, I'm just RPing my character the way she would react to what your character said, and how she said it. If I threw you off or confused you because I wrote out some of Eve's thoughts, I'm sorry. It's just how I write. It gives credibility to the facial expressions, tone of voice, or other reactions she would have, as well as helping me write the character properly. Her dragon is a very large part of her now, and I only include the Gold in here because of that. I don't want to play Eve as if she doesn't have a dragon. And, unfortunately, she DOES have a dragon who WOULD be talking to her right now. Ignoring that fact is ignoring an enormous part of Eve's character.
If Lucy isn't talking to Eve, please state that in your post, because I thought she was responding directly to what Eve had said. Considering all I have to go on is Lucy saying all of this directly to Eve in a “dry” tone of voice, implying that she's being condescending toward Eve, I had my character react appropriately. The way Lucy said it, and what she said, Eve took offence at. Eve believed that Lucy was being deliberately insulting to her simply because she wanted to present a different viewpoint, and a new idea.
Edit: Blah, dragon-human talk tags making errors, and since admin used the *wrong name* for admin's own character at one point, had to fix that as well.