Excuse Me, Mr. OOC Man

Aug 26, 2010 16:23

So I GM an RP forum, and run a few characters in it myself. I've been fortunate enough to have a forum full of excellent RPers and open-minded people, save for a few, and they don't get to be so bad, considering what other sucks are out there on the internet.

However, the few people that DO cause suckage don't always do so in character.

As a bit of background for this specific post... there are two characters, mine (whom I will call Drummer) and a friend's(whom I will call Freckle), that have been ever so slowly working on a relationship prettymuch all summer. And it's not like the usual WORKING TOWARDS RELATIONSHIP INVOLVING SEX, it started out as strained putting up with eachother, and eventual friendship, onesided romance and we finally got to the two scenes where these guys have gotten together. Basically all of the characters have been like this, everyone has done a stellar job of making a varied cast of OCs... Yes, these two guys are in a gay relationship and we have not RPed it for the sake of "yaoi". Both Freckle and Drummer are bi, and Drummer has social disorders and a preoccupation with survival that has made it very difficult for Freckle(who has been rather loose, lewd and promiscuous in the past) to get past his intimidating/quiet facade and slowly but surely get to know him, earn his respect and eventually his friendship, which takes precedence over any kind of sexual feelings. They literally work as a team.

So I hope it's understandable when one of the guys(I'll just call him Guy) on the forum comes in and pulls the following that I got a bit miffed:

[Guy] : [[ whassup gaiz

[Freckleplayer]: [[ hi [Guy]!

[Me] : (( [special weapon] HAS BEEN RETRIEVED and [Drummer] and [Freckle] are being stupidcute

[Guy]: [[ ok this is definitely gay

[Guy]:: [[ oh wait WHAT THE FFF

[Guy]:: [[ this is definitely the closest i think it's ever been to full out dirge of the shoujo
{Note: Dirge of the Shojou was a joke artjam in which we drew super-anime versions of our characters}

[Me]: (( uh, excuse me?

[Me] : (( no not really.

[Freckleplayer] : [[ Nooo, hahahah no this isn't.

[Guy]: : [[ there's been WORSE?

[Me] : (( 8/ I'm saying this isn't shojou in the least

[Guy]: [[ asl;dfkgas;lfg
So, wow, if it's gay it's automatically Yaoi/Nasty even though it's factored into the characters backgrounds, the scene played alongside these OOC comments was nothing more than a quick kiss and Drummer being awkward, followed by some conversation, noogies and Drummer dumping Freckle in the nearby lake for fun. Guy was apparently so flustered by TEH GAY he signed right out. I'm a little pissed he automatically wrote it off as stupid girl "shojou" gay when we've tried and tried to make our characters behave realistically... that and Guy's character is partnered to Freckle as a survival team. HE SHOULD KNOW FRECKLE FLIRTS WITH EVERYONE ANYWAY.

At any rate I guess I'm just disappointed, it's like working forever on something artful and someone coughs on it or places it after a glance by a stereotype.

douche canoe capsized, dumbass, rage quit

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