Bad rpers make my lame ass character look good!
So I started to roleplay in this one Kingdom hearts place, which as usual is filled with a lot of bad rpers, some inexperienced rpers and sues abound. However there are a few really good ones and unfortunately, in this particular medium. It’s the only one of it’s kind.
There are a lot of new Organyization 13 members that hardly do anything. I have, what I call a marty Stu, being a bastard son of Hades, whom I made very weak, very neutral, very lazy, and stutters. He’s also scared shitless of anyone with a keyblade, anyone in Organization clothes and so on because he knows trouble follows them every where they go. I gave him fire alignment and an electric spell that is like casting Thundara, but it cannot be aimed at anyone, and is pretty much a touch attack. This will come into play later.
In one particular roleplay, me a new member of an org member and old friend decide to roleplay, not plan out a fight but to just roll with it. They meet up in a chance meeting in a narrow alley way. The org member whom I will name Cassandra, decides to turn this into a battle. Okay, that means my little muse was most likely going to high tail it out of there and run. His rival whom I would call Horatio decides to join in the fight. That is until she whips this thing out…
Cassandra turned to the younger of the two - grinning. "Indeed. Maybe his stuttering I should take as flattery. After all, I've met a few who respond the same way when it comes to women." She shrugged and listened to the hobo with a laugh, rolling her eyes. "You know, you must take me to be stupid. I have a brain, just not a heart." Reaching into her sleeve, she pulled on the end of a black pole, pulling a small stick out with a grin. "But you know, we can cut that stutter riiiight out, darling. Just let me do some hacking." She pole stretched out, now the height of the floor to her hip, and with a form grip, she slammed the end on the floor, the pole nearly tripling in size and growing a blade even larger. A scythe, twenty feet tall with a thirty foot blade stay in her hands, light as a feather to her, though impossibly heavy compared to others. Looking at the scythe, she rubbed a finger over it's metallic shine, quickly taking a gloves hand, breathing on it and rubbing, attempting to remove any dirt
You read that right.. a scythe on a twenty foot pole..
Horatio then chimes in.
Horatio: [that thing is ridiculously large]
Cassandra: ( ikr. c: )
Horatio: [and it's disproportionate]
Cassandra: ( i know. )
Horatio: [i don't think you could even swing that thing around]
Horatio: [because the area is too small xd]
Horatio: [i love it]
Cassandra: ( she mainly does the whole mario super hammer motion'
Cassandra: ()*
Horatio: [pssh that's not even how scythes are used]
Horatio: [anyway postan]
Cassandra: ( ik. )
Cassandra: ( c: )
Cassandra doesn't like being traditional. )
Mean while Horatio and I decide to talk in pms about how ridiculous it is to use a scythe in battle period and that adding onto it does not fix the impracticality. Even our characters know very well (Mercutio especially knows this Icly.) that even this couldn’t work given that they are in a narrow alley way and that she wouldn’t be able to swing the blade at them at all. Not to mention that they are already standing a few feet in front of her. This means that the blade would miss them entirely.
Then suddenly Cassandra’s player goes
Cassandra: osweetjesus.
Cassandra just thought of an awesome way to use her weapon. x_x
You have no idea what follows next.
Cassandra, with a grin, took their insults to her finely tuned weapon. Perhaps not orthodox or seemingly practical, but they would see about that. Grabbing onto a handle that a traditional scythe would have - the handle was out around her shoulder area, and thus easy to grab - she threw the scythe downwards ( and added her power onto it to make the thrust more powerful ) and ripped a nice hole in the earth, big enough to show off. Standing the scythe straight up and moving next to the crevice that had been created, she held on to the handle tightly and pushed the scythe forward, causing it to spin, but with more and more direction, the weapon moved faster and faster, cutting through the ground deeper and deeper, spinning until nothing was truly able to be made out - like fan blades or a saw blade. "Perhaps not practical to you, but deadly all the same." Advancing towards them both, she made it stop by simply applying a backwards direction, bringing it to her side with a slight smile on her face. "Ladies, your turn."
Horatio: [wouldn't the hole in the ground be like]
Horatio: [20 feet behind mercutio and Horatio?]
Horatio: [because of the length of the scythe?]
Cassandra: ( sure. make it go between y'all. c: )
Cassandra: sorry, i forgot about that. lmfao. )
Horatio: [so she stabbed the ground downward(like a mario hammer) then began spinning it]
Cassandra: ( yes. )
Horatio: [so that there's this huge gash in the ground that runs between them?]
Cassandra: ( yeah, pretty much. )
Horatio: [but wouldn't the blade just go underground, causing the pole to collide with the edge of the crevice?]
Cassandra: ( with the force, the crevice would have enough space for the pole to fit in. it's not a particularly wide scythe. )
You say, "[I.. dont understand D:]"
Horatio: [it has nothing to do with the width]
Cassandra: ( pretty much, Cad thrusted the blade into the ground. a crevice was made due to the force, giving her enough space for the weapon to spin like a sawblade or fan. )
Cassandra: ( geez. you guys are so technical. ;; )
Horatio: [well, yeah]
Horatio: [wellp, i'll roll with it.]
Cassandra: ( if you want. pretend she's in the air or s- )
Cassandra: ( kthen. )
That’s right. The blade now spins like a chain saw. Then I found out something very awesome and lame as well with this place from Horatio’s player. The place that I am playing at? Has no Prepping system, which usually means you sit around for a post or two preparing a magical spell or ability before you can use it. This is often to prevent god modding. This was awesome for me because that meant I got to use this upcoming ability immediately afterwards.
Mercutio had to do just one thing as the scythe came crashing down, because he was already a few feet away from her, was to just take one step to the side. He didn’t like fighting, he did not even like harming people, but what he hated the most was being treated like an idiot by really crazy, unusual, or inhis opinion, stupid people that attacked him for no reason at all. His very very pale hand seemed to glow blue, and then white. He flexed it open and closed it, letting what could be hot flame but is now extremely hot plasma like substance crackle between his fingers. "Th-this is going to s-s-suck. For th-the both of us." All he had to do was try and grab the polearm. If he did, the two of them would get electrocuted, not enough to kill but ccertainly enough to knock some shoes off, have hair stand on end and get some serious burns on the parts that made contact with the weapon. He didn't get to hear Horatio.
Cassandra has to go.
Cassandra: sorry.
Cassandra: ):
Cassandra: toodles.
Horatio: [i loled]
You say, "[Well then... Now what?]"
I never thought it would ever happen… But For once.. My little marty stu who gets the tar beat out of him on the daily basis by 9 YEAR OLDS.. Managed to beat an org member due to the application of physics. Thank you bad rper. You are pretty cool OOCly but your bad rping makes me feel much better about myself.