Maybe badass just isn't for you....

Jun 15, 2010 14:03

What do Kratos from God of War, Sanzo Saiyuki, Thassarian from WoW and Vancha from Cirque Du Freak have in common?

Well, one of my RP buddies doesn't play any of them very well. I heart this person, she is so nice and she writes very well, however she's not so good at being bad-ass characters. To explain, she worries that I won't be her friend anymore if she doesn't RP the exact pairing I suggested, which is completely untrue, I'd rather she played a character she was good at and comfortable with, however...

Our first RP was a Cirque Du Freak one, years ago when Vancha March was first introduced as a character. I had requested Vancha/Kurda before the events of the books, she responded and we started the RP, however I got the impression she'd have been more comfortable playing an OC or a milder vampire, because she kind of shied away from being strong and brave and sort of flanderized the 'seme' stereotype to the point where Vancha was completely coddling Kurda and not exercising the basic rules of battle like he normally would. It wasn't terrible, it was just I sort of felt like she would do better with a different character.

We RPed for a while eventually switching to Saiyuki with her as Sanzo and me as Hazel, but she was a bit too nice, she didn't push Hazel away, didn't insult or threaten anyone and more played up the mopeyness over the whole dead master thing to the point where it was really out of character.

A recent God of War RP ended in her making Kratos remorseful over killing Hermes when he met my OC who was Hermes son...Not much there to say but that this characterization is COMPLETELY off.

Finally, we did a WoW RP during the time that Thassarian and Koltira are still working for the Lich King, honestly the problem with this one was more a pet peeve I have about most death knight RPers rather than bad characterization on her part. She changed the encounter where Thassarian kills Koltira to Arthas killing Koltira while Thassarian tried to stop him, meaning she RPed Thassarian as having complete free will to defy Arthas while he was first under his control.

Really, she's a nice person and her writing is great, it's just her characterization needs some serious work.
Tl;dr- Nice person, good writing skills, but has an irrational fear that I'll stop RPing with her if she suggests a different pairing or RPs the character being mean or tough despite having no basis to assume I'd actually do this outside of prior experiences with her other partners.
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