This covers a loooot of stuff, both RP and outside of it. So, bear with me, please.
a few years ago, I met someone on one site. We moved to another when it shut down. He seemed cool, smart, and her had greaaat ideas. Not to mention, he didn't play Zexion as a squealy little uke--he played Zexion as the badass he is.
Well, we amassed a large group of role-players. Let's give them names. We have The Eternal Douche, the guy I already mentioned. We have me. We have Jet, who's like a brother to me. We have Z, a girl who will be important and who specializes in varying types of characters who would fall into the Lolita type (though not in the sexual sense). We have Soldier Boy, a friend of mine who juuuuust left for the air force today. We have Rui, a friend who I met through him. We have Russia Girl, another girl I met through him. We have Nami, a friend I introduced to him. And we have Awesome Chick, who managed to call this guy on his shit.
Now, I wasn't the best. However, I was better than TED in a few ways. I could, at least, play different character types. I also understood the boundaries between OOC and IC. And, last but not least, I didn't touch canon characters that I knew I couldn't play.
Now, we knew each other for awhile, and things seemed good. We go on for awhile, RPing a lot of things--nothing seems to last due to others leaving. And then, one day, Z suddenly severs all ties to him. Me, Nami, AC, Soldier Boy Jet and a few others talk to her and find out what went wrong. It turns out that TED was e-stalking her, claimed to be a psychic vamp that was feeding off of her and claimed they were destined to be together. It was around this time we came to realize he had a very sexual thing for young children. ...Z, while she played younger looking characters, well... I don't recall ANY of her OCs being under 16 unless the RP was of a younger crowd and even then, none of them were really in sexual situations.
So, we go on. We get mad, but decide that we should stick with him awhile. He seems to become creepier and creepier toward Nami until, in our final R, which was a group RP that was a Square Enix crossover taking place in Spira. Now, for some background, here are the people in this group in that RP: I was playing Rinoa Heartilly, Rosso the Crimson and Yazoo. Rui played Shelke. Nami played Namine. Russia Girl played Nero the Sable and Vincent Valentine. And TED was playing Genesis Rhapsodos--with Zexion's personality.
Now, as none of us had PLAYED Crisis Core except him, supposedly, this was all okay. Things began to get weird when he began flirting with Yuffie and seemed to be a bit TOO protective of Shelke. Now, as time went on, he got increasingly aggressive with us, telling us to post every day (even though his own rules said at least once a month).
Now, back up a bit. We'd had disagreements before. For one, I was openly homosexual. And I happened to not find anything wrong with yaoi so long as it's not brainless. He, however, claimed to hate all homosexuality. This, I've come to realize, was false as he let me play Rosso the Crimson as a homosexual man-hater without much fight. However, if you even REMOTELY liked yaoi and he knew about it? He suddenly banned you from his RPs. He did this with AC, who had a Loveless-based profile at the time as she happened to like it. He treated her awful and didn't give a damn that she would have been valuable to the RP.
I managed to get Jet in. He was going to play the much-needed Weiss the Immaculate (the only character we really needed was Aerith due to plot stuff involving a mobile Jenova battling Rinoa and infecting the poor Sorceress with Jenova cells, which anyone who knows about Rinoa's limit break knows is damn dangerous). Soon after this, everything went to hell.
ANYWAY. So, then, one day, he suddenly talks about kicking Rui out of the RP. She'd been losing her muses and wasn't posting every day. However, she was posting about once a week, and if not that, every other week. Well within the rules, right? Well, I was the only one interacting with Shelke at that point. I didn't mind the slowness, as Yazoo had been seriously injured (shot by Nero the Sable a few times, nearly sucked into his soul-eating darkness, had his soul laid claim upon and jumped out of a failing ship into icy waters to swim to shore--he almost drowned due to salt water in his wounds putting him in such pain because there were just way too many bullt holes). He could definitely use some rest.
In another chat, I'm telling my friends this. Soldier Boy, Awesome Chick, Jet and a few other people encourage me to finally call him on his shit on how he thinks that, just because he owns the RP, he's magically above the rules. So I do. Nami's there to oversee it, and he goes batshit insane, whining about how he's God in that universe. ...I then point out he's a one-note RPer, because it's time to bring things into the open. I also point out how he's got a very unhealthy obsession with being anti-Japan (even though he openly watched Japanese porn of young girls being done).
He continues to throw a bitchfit, we argue, and then I decide he's not worth it. I leave, and then something makes me angry.
I was away at my first semester of college. He threatened to hack my computer, get my information, then hunt down my family for "ruining his life" for quitting his RP. This is where I promptly blocked him.
Awesome Chick had Jet send a letter to the guy, calling him on all sorts of shit. Then we were done with him. It was later revealed he'd begun to develop the creepy kind of crush he'd gotten on Z on poor Nami.
Last I heard, he's chased off everyone else he ever RPed with.