Dear Stupid,

Apr 29, 2006 11:34

Just because I'm new to D20 doesn't mean I'm new to RPing altogether, and that I don't know what godmoding is. I don't appreciate the assumptions you keep making about my character's actions, especially when I think his motivations have been pretty clear cut from the beginning. My character is a charisma vampire -- he sucks the pretty out of people, more or less, to survive. Now, usually, yes, these characters tend to be sex pots, as they're usually the product of incubi/succubi and something else equally poser-goth attracting.

When I say my character is constitutionally incapable, I'm not saying it because I think it sounds cool. He's cursed. Coming of age, he never developed an interest in sex. Never. He just doesn't want to, and he finds the whole idea rather revolting. He knows he's not supposed to feel that way, which is why he's trying to find a cure. It also makes living really difficult for him; it's hard to get close enough to a person to steal charisma if you don't have some sort of sex appeal, and tho he may be pretty, he's a gigantic asshole and cold as a fish to boot.

Imagine my surprise when you decide to add to your character's backstory and suggest that he raped her. Without asking me or the DM.

Mmmno, no I'm not going to play along with that, you jackass. It's not like you didn't know what was going on; you were here when all this stuff was set up. So what were you thinking?
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