oh gosh

Jan 13, 2009 20:13

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"This is my filly Fergie, we had our first ride! She is me & my sisters future hunter! She is a yearling, and

-NO we are not riding her hard we are just starting to teach her.--- "

ok. 1) start riding her when she's 2, AT LEAST. 2) trotting over poles is NOT "just starting to teach her". and 3) she's a freaking YEARLING, for gods sakes! how do you know if she's going to be a hunter or not at that age?

//edit\\ omg wait. i didn't even watch the whole video. they're CANTERING HER?? WTF!

//another edit\\
i just got a message from this girl.

I am getting enough crap from ppl about my video!
We have only ridden her like 4 times!
She is getting worked about 10 minutes at a time just to teach her what a bit bridle saddle etc. feel like!
A experinced trainer has been riding her I rode her on the 4 try! We are turning her out to pasture now for 2 years until she is readuy to jump she is almost about to turn 2 ok!"

riiight. so just teach her the basics, and then stick her out in a pasture for 2 years and then jump her. that sounds like a good idea.


"I have been getting many comments that she is to young and that I am hurting her!
How do you think race horses are trained? They are raced at 2 and 3!"

yep, that's a good reason. wow. doesn't she know that many (not all, mind you) racehorses have problems later in life because they were started so early? that's not a good excuse.

"Everybody relax. She has been ridden fewer than 5 times, at about 5 minutes per time."
so what, she was ridden w/t/c WITHIN HER FIRST 5 TIMES BEING RIDDEN without warmup? how does that make anything better?
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