Nano, day 1 (when does it get fun?)

Nov 01, 2008 14:27

This is from Jo Bourne's journal, about the latest romance novel she's writing.

OK. Maggie and Doyle are about to meet. But I'm 6700 words (of Rough Draft Two) in. ... That's too many words of warm-up.

I know better than this. ...

So . . . I'll write forward till I get some perspective.
When I have another ten chapters of RoughDraft2 under my belt I'll be stronger and wiser and able to cut this 6700 words of warm-up perplucketimity. ...

I'm going to plog onward (plog = slog + plot).

You remember the story about the two frogs who fell in the butter churn?

One of them was realistic and wise and knew he was doomed.
He gave up and drowned.

The other one was a fool. He just kept paddling and paddling and eventually he churned up a big pat of butter and climbed on top and floated there, safe and happy, till the milkmaid came in the morning and opened the churn and screamed bloody murder and beat him to death with the butter paddle.

I take comfort in these wise old fables.

- Jo Bourne

nano, quotes

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