Bah, humbug!

Dec 30, 2009 13:35

Local radio station keeps playing an NHS advert with loads of kids singing "I'd Do Anything" from Oliver, followed by the 'moving' quote: "Your kids would do anything for you, so why don't you stop smoking for them?" Not only do I hate that song, but I also resent the fact that this ad, like so many that I have seen lately, is aimed soley at parents. Apparently if mummy or daddy or even, heaven forbid, one of their gurning sproglets should die of chronic lung-rot it would be a tragedy, but if an unmarried spinster like me should kick the bucket, childless and alone, missed only by her cats and her redundant ashtrays, then nobody would give a damn.

I haven't smoked for ten days. Not that anybody cares.

NB: Just to dilute the acidity of this, my local vets has a poster with a lovely picture of a cat, and a caption reading "If you smoke, he smokes." It's the only one that ever had an effect on me. Stuff about my health or the health of my non-existant kiddies is a non-issue; warnings about the effects of tobacco on fertility, practically an advert for cigarettes as far as I'm concerned, but as soon as the CATS get involved...


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