Dec 29 I made a deal for a trade with a member of the MidWest USA doll forum Dairyland who goes by the name of RockScientist. I would send her my Switch Taeheo head on a Souldoll double body and she would send her Unoa L-Bi. She had good feedback, had done several other trades for dolls (including the doll she was offering to me) and it really looked like there shouldn't be a problem.
I have since found out she is Suuchan on DOA as well.
I sent the doll off as planned and messaged her to let her know.
I didn't hear from her, I didn't get a doll in the mail, she hasn't even logged back onto Dairyland, though she has been on DOA.
The Switch Taeheo was attempted to be delivered on Saturday, Jan 4, and a notice was left. It sat there until yesterday when it was finally claimed.
I still have no doll in return, and have still heard nothing. I pmed her jan 8, but if she's not logging on she's not getting it. I pmed her DOA account Jan 12, and sent her an email.
The switch head in question has no identifying marks at all, i had given it a faceup but wiped it when I put the doll up for sale. It does have faceup residue in the mouth and eyes, but what head doesn't? It was shipped in the head box with COA and a pair of Dollmore Acrylic eyes in an olive green color. There was a black fur wig I had made for it a long with.....trimmed in the back.
I was storing the broken finger in it's head, if she never removed it, it may still be there, but I seriously doubt it.
The Souldoll body may be a little easier to identify -- it has a broken pinky finger on the right hand (I didn't fix it, it was sent broken, but the finger went a long with the doll), a full body blush by me, mani-pedi, and the symbol for the angel Uriel on it's back. I shipped the doll unstrung. Souldoll does not sell extra hands, so the finger will either have to be glued on, or left off.
The doll was sent to League City Texas.
I am still holding out the hope that there was an accident or emergency and somehow this will be resolved,
If not, and it turns out this doll was stolen, I'm asking the BJD community to please be aware of any such dolls in the area, or being sold in\out of this area.
this is the doll I sent, that has been lost/stolen
I have been in touch with people on both Dairyland and Den of Angels who have been very helpful, I am trying to get in contact with her there and by email.
Like I said, I am still holding out hope that this was somehow a huge misunderstanding, or there was an if there is anyone out there in the area who might know anything, I would really appreciate it if you could let me know.