Jul 04, 2005 08:43
I went and saw Mindless Self Indulgence at the NorVa last night with Squeaks. The show was incredibly good, once MSI got on stage at least. The lead singer is funny and the overall on-stage performance was wonderfull.
The first band up was Bella Morte. I can not express how much they suck, but I think most bands with a keyboard guitar suck. They're a hardcore/punk band with an emphasis on zombies which doesn't explain why the hell they played the slow dance song from Back to the Future to end their set.
The second band was Suicide City. I would put this band more in the thrash metal category than anything else. Uncommon for a thrash band, you could make out the lyrics. The lead guitarist liked to taunt the crowd by playing a little bit of the opening to Slayer's Reign in Blood, this made me happy. The lead singer did a backflip off of a sound box which was impressive considering the small amount of space he had.
Finally, and I say this because the change over times between bands was incredibly long, MSI came on stage. If you have never seen them, or heard them, MSI consists of a skinny gay lead singer who likes to be really goofy and funny, a very slow talking gay mexican guy who acts stupid and plays guitar, and two heavy set punk chicks who play bass guitar and drums. This is a very motley crew, but the band is more about the amazing vocals than anything. I would give the lead singer about a 5 octave range that can chage from word to word in a pace that rivals most rap songs. All their songs are really goofy and fun to try to sing along with.