Here's one for all you Western riders!

Aug 03, 2005 01:15

I found a GORGEOUS Western bridle for my horse but I need help with the bit. I know NOTHING of Western bits!

Since everyone loves pictures,here's the bridle:

I need something that's relatively soft on the mouth but will still offer good control when we go on our gallops.

Right now he goes on a slow twist full cheek snaffle (if we're going to be jumping logs and galloping) or a plain old loose ring if we're just doing some leisurely hacking. The English bits that he takes are 5 inches.

What's a good, not too harsh but not too, too soft Western bit I can buy?

PS: My horse was originally trained Western as evident of his low head carriage, Western lope, and the fact that he scared the bejeezus out of me when I realized that he can do sliding stops!

(x-posted in backyardhorse and 4theluvofhorses)

training questions, western disciplines

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