Jun 19, 2014 01:07
things i'm working on:
anger management. i'm almost completely unable to express anger externally and end up directing it all internally and engage in acts of self-harm as a result. am trying to learn how to control my temper and release anger in controlled bursts. trying to stop using humor to as a deflecting tactic, since it does little to address the underlying issues and often gives people permission to trivialize my feelings, exacerbating whatever i'm feeling.
add behavior. jury's still out on whether or not i have add and i'm hesitant to claim the diagnosis without meeting with a therapist, but i've been researching coping mechanisms and behavior to try and put some order back into my life. lists, color coding, and setting all my alarms 15 minutes ahead have helped immensely. i haven't been late to anything in two days, which is honestly a record.