How to Woo Sam Winchester Chapter 2/5

Feb 08, 2019 15:35

 Michael walked down the streets, watching as the mortals went about their business not realizing how weak and pathetic they were. They thought themselves so high and mighty not at all realizing that they were nothing more than ants beneath his boot.
Well, all but one. Sam Winchester was the exception.

“Sammy will never give into you,” Dean’s voice growled out.

Michael felt his lips curl up into a smile. Dean had been rather vocal about his interest in Sam. It seemed his host was rather possessive and protective over Sam, not that he blamed him. Sam was certainly something that needed to be protected and cherished.

‘We shall see but do not worry I plan on taking very good care of Sam,’ Michael promised and he wasn’t surprised that once again he heard a growl. He could feel Dean fighting him but Dean was no match for him. ‘You can try and fight me all you want Dean; you will not win and as long as I have you Sam will come to me if only to try and save you. Then I will take him as mine.’

Michael had a plan; this world’s angels and demons were weak. Neither had a leader and they weren’t worthy of his time. No he would be looking elsewhere.

‘I wonder Sam how long will it take for you to find me?’ Michael looked forward to finding out.


“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you, Sam?” Castiel asked a frown appearing on his face. He was not happy to hear that Michael had taken Dean, that he now had his perfect vessel.

When Castiel had returned to the bunker he had not expected to learn what had transpired during and after Lucifer and Michael’s battle. He felt bad that Jack had lost his grace to Lucifer, he could tell that it had hurt the younger man. Jack had actually trusted him as Jack still saw him as a father but it was clear that was no more.

“I’m sure Cas, right now we are just trying to get a lead on where Michael has taken him. For now, it would be best if you stayed here and helped my mom get the others settled.” Sam had sent Jack off to get some rest so they could head out in the morning. “Plus I think it will do Jack some good, he carries guilt and I think this will help him.”

No one could miss the bond that had formed between Jack and Sam; Castiel had seen it first hand when Jack had wanted to go back for Sam and demanded to know why he hadn’t saved him. Castiel had felt horrible being unable to save Sam, to leave someone he cared for behind. “Sam, I never apologized for not letting Dean go back for you sooner. I wish I had been able to do more to save you. I never wanted to leave a friend behind.”

“I know Castiel and you did the right thing saving those people and Dean. The last thing I would want was for either of you to get hurt.” Sam knew the angel was blaming himself and that both Dean and Jack had blamed him as well and that was the last thing Sam wanted.

“You are too kind Sam, a rare thing in this world.” Castiel had never expected when he met Sam Winchester that the boy that was supposed to be Lucifer’s true vessel was nothing like the fallen angel. Sam was everything that he could have been.

“Cas, Michael did say something odd; he wants me to prove myself worthy. Do you have any idea what he might be talking about?” Sam asked a confused look on his face.

“No, but I urge you to be all that more carefully. It sounds like Michael has a plan for you Sam and that has me worried.” Castiel would not allow anyone to harm Sam.

“You and me both Castiel.”


The Impala purred down the highway almost as if she knew that they were on the hunt trying to find her driver. It felt odd to Sam to be on the driver side. That was Dean’s spot; his was in the passenger seat beside Dean or curled up underneath Dean’s arm as his brother handled baby with ease, joking that Sam could put that pretty mouth to good use and give him a blowjob. More often than not that suggestion ended with Sam giving Dean a bitch face instead.

Jack was studying Sam. He admired how the man was holding everything together. He knew that Sam was hurting and worried. Sam had lost the love of his life. He might be young but so far he had never seen two people so entwined. He had read about soulmates and that was the only word that could truly describe the bond between Sam and Dean. Jack refused to let Michael keep them apart. He might not have his powers anymore but that wouldn’t stop him from protecting Sam.


“Michael. It is you.” The angel posing as Sister Jo could hardly believe it. She had heard whispers of a new angel; it made her wonder what had happened to Lucifer.

Michael only raised an unimpressed eyebrow as he looked at the pathetic angel before him. They were nothing like his brothers and sisters from his world. It took all of his willpower not to wipe them out; they were a disgrace to their kind.

“What do you want? And make it fast I have more important things to do than listen to you blather on.”

She wasn’t about to be detoured. This was Michael in the vessel of Dean Winchester and he was leagues above Lucifer. “You need a consort, someone, to rule beside you.”

An amused smile appeared on Michael’s lips, “I have already chosen a consort. The only one fit to rule beside me is Sam Winchester and he shall.”

Sister Jo could only stare at Michael, surely she had heard him wrong. “Sam Winchester? You want a mortal as your consort when you could have me?” She couldn’t understand it even Lucifer had wanted her! He had chosen her over his perfect vessel.

Her eyes widened as she felt a hand wrap around her throat and she found herself pinned helplessly to the wall with Michael looming over her. “You will watch your tone in how you speak about the only one worthy of standing at my side!” Michael snarled, rage filling him and he wasn’t sure if it was his own or Dean’s as well at the way she spoke of Sam.

“He is the abomination! The boy with the demon blood in him, no angel will follow you if you seek him as your consort. You would be wise in choosing an angel.” She couldn’t believe that Michael was considering Lucifer’s vessel, the boy that rumors whispered that some of Azazel’s followers sought to rule hell.

“And yet he is far worthier than you will ever be. But I believe you are correct when you tell me that others will not accept my Sam, so I will leave a message and you will serve that purposes.”

Fear filled her and she knew that she should have kept quiet about her opinion of Sam Winchester to herself.

“I can’t lie and say this isn’t going to hurt.”


“I leave you for not even a week and your brother ends up the host to Michael? Seriously what would you boys do without me?” Rowena could feel a headache forming. While she had grown fond of the Winchester’s they were still a pain in her ass, especially when one of them managed to get taken by Lucifer, who her beloved Fergus had sacrificed himself to seal away. And that led to the other agreeing to be Michael’s host only for him to turn on them and keep Dean.

“I know Rowena and you have every right to be upset, hell I am very upset but right now I need your help in saving Dean or at least helping me find a way to track Michael,” Sam pleaded with Rowena.

“Lucifer is really dead?” Rowena let a tiny bit of fear into her voice. Sam knew he was probably the only other person alive who knew what it was like to be helpless at the hands of that monster.

“He is. I gave Dean the angel blade myself and watched as he stabbed him in the chest. Lucifer is dead and gone he is not coming back.” That was the one thing to come out of all of this; the monster from his nightmares was dead and gone at last.

“Then for that alone, I will be glad to help you track down your brother. Give me a few days. It will not be easy tracking an angel let alone a fully powered archangel.”

A grateful smile appeared on Sam’s face bringing his dimples out in full. “Thank you, Rowena, I truly mean that.”

“You can thank me by finding a way to keep you and your brother out of trouble. My Fergus cared about the two of you and against my better judgment I have grown rather fond of you as well and I would hate to see something happen to the two of you, my life would be easier and less chaotic but boring. And my Fergus gave his life for you two. I will not see you waste his sacrifice.” Rowena felt a familiar ache in her chest as she thought about her son and how much he clearly cared about these two to give his life to save them.

Sam’s smile turned sad as he thought about the demon who had somehow become a good friend, he was family that he gave his life to stop Lucifer. “Crowley for the King of Hell was a pretty good guy. I never expected that he would give his life for Dean and I. But his sacrifice was not forgotten and Lucifer is finally gone; he cannot hurt anyone ever again.”

Rowena saw the relief in Sam’s eyes and she knew how the younger man felt. “Once we get your brother back we are throwing a Lucifer is finally dead party,” Rowena declared.

“Of course.” Sam was grateful that Jack was too busy looking around to hear Rowena’s plans. He didn’t know how the younger man felt about Lucifer. Jack had seen the good in him, taken in by his lies. Sam thought a big part of that was because Jack wanted to see some good in the monster that was his father, only to learn that he had been tricked and betrayed. ‘I’ll have to talk to Jack once we have returned to the motel.’


Michael was enjoying his new body. Dean was certainly a fighter. It amused him to hear Dean’s threats and growls of what he would do to him if he hurts Sam. He had also met some of this earth’s angels and he had not been impressed. It was no wonder that they were nearly wiped out; they were weak and a pale imitation of what they once were and what he had left behind.

“You killed one of your own,” Dean growled out.

“She was not one of mine, she was weak. I put her out of her misery,” Michael commented as he straightened out his jacket. Dean had been very vocal in his distaste in Michael’s fashion choices. “My warriors are strong, whatever these are they are not angels. I am doing this world a favor by wiping them out. After all, a leader is only as strong as those who follow him.” Until he could find a way to bring his warriors over to this world Michael would have to make do and find a new army another way.

“Besides I don’t see why she would matter to you, after all she was the one feeding Lucifer her grace; putting Sam in danger. I would have thought that you would have been happy to have someone who worked with him out of the picture. Beside she gave me nothing and I granted her a quick death.”

“Yeah after you tortured her!”

“Aah, so that is what you have an issue with. I reminded you of your time as a demon and on the rack. I would have thought by now that you understood that angels are warriors and we do whatever it takes to win and get answers; after all they asked you to torture a demon once before so you know we are not as innocent as humans would like to believe.” Michael was happy to see that no blood had gotten onto his clothing. One last look at himself in the broken mirror Michael gave a nod. “I do wonder how long it will take Sam to find my little gift.” He wondered and in a blink, he was gone leaving behind in the empty warehouse the broken body of a redheaded woman with a silhouette of angel wings beneath her.


Jack let out a moan as he bit into a burger. He and Sam had stopped at a little diner close by the motel that they were staying at while they waited for Rowena to see if she could find a lead on Michael. “This is so good.”

Sam’s lips twitched up into a smile as he watched Jack eat, he reminded him of Dean when he found a place that served a good burger and/or pie. “I’m glad you are liking it. We will have to remember this place and bring Dean back to this place. Now if only they have good pie and this would be Dean’s dream place.”

Putting his burger down Jack looked Sam in the eyes. “We will get Dean back won’t we?”

Sam could understand Jack’s fears, they were his own. “Jack, I promise you that we will do everything in our power to save Dean. We will not leave Dean to Michael’s control.”

“I’m still worried, it would seem that Michael is interested in you and I don’t want anything to happen to you. I can’t lose any more family.” Jack would do anything to keep Sam safe that was why he had been so willing to die to save him.

“I’ll be careful Jack, I promise.” Sam still didn’t know if Michael had been teasing him or trying to throw him off his game but the next time they met he wouldn’t let Michael get to him.

“I hope so.” Jack was a little worried. After all, Michael was in Dean’s body and there was no one who knew Sam better than Dean and he was afraid that Michael might use Dean’s knowledge of Sam to lure the younger man into a trap. It was no secret that when one of them was in danger Sam and Dean lost all sense of reasoning and all that mattered was saving the other no matter what it cost them. Jack was afraid that Michael might offer to give back Dean in exchange for Sam.


Later at the motel Sam watched as Jack drifted off into a deep slumber. He hadn’t missed how the younger man had been keeping a close eye on him. In so many ways Jack reminded him of Dean; his need to protect and help those who were helpless or in need of protection and Sam found it amusing and so adorable that both men saw him as someone who needed to to be protected, even though he had taken on Lucifer himself.

Still while Jack was sleeping, Sam reached into his bag and pulled out a familiar purple shirt. Something that was too small for him now, but had a new role. And as he unwrapped the shirt he felt his heart skip a beat as he stared at the amulet, the amulet was still a symbol of his love for Dean.

“You kept it.” Dean regretted a lot of things and tossing away the amulet, that for years had been a symbol of his and Sam’s unbreakable bond, in the trash had been near the top. “Not only that you pulled it out of the trash. How long have you been carrying it with you?” When Dean had pulled the glowing light out of Sam’s pocket he had never expected to see the amulet. From the look in Sam’s eyes he had known it was there. He didn’t think he would ever be able to make amends for tossing it away.

“I did. I kept it with me, always trying to find the right time to give it back to you. I also kept it with me as an anchor when I was lost and adrift without you, like the time you were in purgatory. It reminded me that I was out of hell and I would find you again,” Sam explained all the while hoping that Dean wasn’t going to toss it away again; he wasn’t sure he would survive it a second time.

“I should have never tossed it away. I played right into heaven’s hands, they wanted to split us apart. I’m so sorry Sammy. I know how much I hurt you, tossing the amulet away. I regretted it the moment I heard it drop into the trash basket but I was so angry and hurt that I couldn’t bend down and pick it up. So many times I wanted to go back and see if I could find it.”

“I forgave you a long time ago Dean. I know you were hurting.” Sam couldn’t blame his brother he knew he was hurting and they had both been played by heaven and hell to do what they wanted.

Dean placed the amulet back in Sam’s hands and wrapped his hand over Sam’s, “Keep it, so that you will know that I am always here for you, looking after and protecting you even if we are apart.”
Sam had taken to carrying it in his bag when they were out on a hunt. It offered him comfort and made him feel close to Dean when they were apart and right now he needed it. He needed that link to Dean. Putting the amulet on he closed his eyes as he felt the familiar weight of it resting against his chest. “I will find you, Dean, I promise you.”

title: how to woo sam winchester, pairing: wincest, sam winchester big bang, pairing: michael/sam

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