How to Woo Sam Winchester Chapter 1/5

Feb 08, 2019 15:14

It had been but a fleeting glance but enough for Michael to see the most beautiful soul he had never had the pleasure of seeing. It was unlike any he had ever laid eyes on, which was very odd as Michael had never cared for humans; he found that they were beneath him.

Yet something about this soul called to him. It wasn't until he met them, the hunters from the other world, did he learn the name of the owner of that beautiful soul. Sam Winchester.

He wanted to know more about this Sam, but before he could have a chance to take Sam away and study him Sam was gone, leaving behind the other world’s version of his brother, Lucifer. He knew that there was a story there from the way Sam looked at Lucifer as he left him behind to be at his mercy.

Michael had to thank Sam for that really; it allowed him to get to know his brother from another world. Lucifer was very talkative when given the right motivation and if not well, Michael had no problems with torturing another version of his brother, but it really wouldn’t be that much of a challenge now that Lucifer was such a weaker version of him.

“Tell me about Sam Winchester and I will show you mercy,” Michael demanded as he trailed the blade along Lucifer’s cheek loving the way he flinched.

Lucifer could only stare at the man who was this world’s version of his brother and he did his best not to show his fear at the power that rippled underneath Michael’s host. He was vastly outnumbered; he was a mere shell of himself while Michael was at full power. What is it to you? And what is in it for me?”

Michael’s lips curled up into a smile that sent shivers down Lucifer’s spine. It was a cold and cruel smile, one that Lucifer usually gave and didn’t receive. “If I like what I hear I will grant you a quick death or if I am feeling very generous I might even spare you. But face it Lucifer do you really think that you have a chance in beating me? And even if you do, where do you think you will go? There is no place on this earth that you can run that I won’t find you.”

Lucifer knew that for now he was beaten; that he was at Michael’s mercy and had little choice but to tell him what he wanted to hear. “Sam Winchester is my perfect vessel in my world. He was meant to rule hell as Azazel’s chosen. To sit on the throne as the Boy King of Hell and then when the time was right I would take him and make him mine.”

That bothered Michael and he couldn’t explain why. Why did the idea of Lucifer having control of Sam, destroying his soul, locking him away forever, imprisoning him and letting that bright soul be lost in the shadows until it flickered out and died trouble him?

Sam Winchester, who in another world, was his brother's perfect vessel? It was something that Michael scoffed and laughed at. How could someone like Lucifer be blessed with someone like Sam? “I can see why he is everything you are not. He is what the Morningstar should have been and you will forever be a pale reflection of him. You are not worthy to have the likes of Sam Winchester as your true host.”

“Why do you care?!” Lucifer couldn’t understand it and it baffled him. “You’ve never even met him until now, as if you call that a meeting! You just saw him and now you are obsessed with him. Not that it will do you any good. As dear sweet Sammy doesn’t see anyone but his beloved big brother and Dean will happily stab you in the face with an angel blade if you even think about coming close to Sam.” Lucifer thought about it for a second. “Actually that is something I wouldn’t mind seeing.” It seemed any world Michael was a big dick.

“Dean Winchester,” Michael murmured under his breath. He had seen it, how Sam’s soul drifted towards Dean’s and Dean’s in the return did the same. They were entwined around one another and made the other whole, they were a true case of soulmates. “If Sam was your perfect vessel then that would mean Dean is mine.”

“Yes.” Lucifer could see where this was going. “But you will never get Dean to say yes.”

“I would if Sam was in danger.” The smile that reappeared on Michael’s face once again sent shivers down Lucifer’s spine, “And you brother, might just still have a use.”

Lucifer knew that he didn’t have a choice, he was a rat trapped in a cage, helpless but to do anything other than say, “Sure why not.”


Sam had seen Dean die right before his eyes too many times to count. Losing Dean, holding him in his arms as Dean took his last breath was the worst feeling in Sam’s world. It tore his heart to shreds, but watching as Michael, who Dean said yes, to save him and Jack overwhelmed and overpowered his everything.

“Thanks for the suit.”

Four words that had Sam’s world crashing down around him, he couldn’t lose Dean, not to Michael’s hold. One thing that he had always been thankful for was that Dean never experienced what it was like to be helpless and locked away in his own body. Unable to do anything but watch; screaming for them to stop. “Dean, I will save you,” Sam vowed.

Dean no Michael’s lips curled into a smile. “I look forward to the chase. Come find me Sam Winchester and I might return your brother to you.”

There was no missing the challenge in Michael’s voice; one that Sam gladly accepted, “I will and you will return my brother back to me.”

Sam refused to back down as Michael moved towards him. He shifted so that he could protect Jack from the archangel in case he decided to attack. What Sam didn’t expect was for Michael to trail his thumb along his lower lip.

“We shall see my little one. But know this Sam Winchester, you will be mine in the end,” Michael vowed. “Prove to me that you are worthy,” Michael whispered in his ear and then he was gone.

“Sam, what just happened?” Jack asked confusion in his voice.

Unable to stop himself, Sam lifted a hand to his lip where Michael had just touched. While he knew it wasn’t Dean who had touched him, that didn’t stop his body responding from the touch. He could still feel his body tingling from Michael’s touch. “Michael just took Dean from us and we are going to get him back.”

“But it looked like Michael was flirting with you,” Jack commented. He had seen enough flirting between Sam and Dean to know what it looked like. “I don’t think that Dean is going to like that when we get him back.” Jack knew he didn’t like it at all. Michael was a monster and he had no right to flirt with such a kind soul like Sam.

“I don’t know if I would really say that Michael was flirting with me. I think he was trying to get me off of my game and it will not work.” Sam would not let Michael get into his head he would save Dean.

“We will save Dean,” Jack spoke up smiling as Sam turned to look at him, “You don’t have to do this alone Sam. You will have me and we will not leave Dean in Michael’s hands,” Jack vowed.

“Thank you, Jack, I’m glad that I have you in my corner.”


The bunker was full of people displaced from the apocalyptic world. Sam in dealing with everything that had happened, forgot all about them. He didn’t think anyone could blame him, not after he just watched his big brother, his lover be taken over by Michael and taken from him. After that nothing else really mattered.

“That is a lot of people,” Jack murmured from his spot beside Sam.

“Yeah, and they are going to need our help.” Sam was very thankful that he had Jack’s support. The young man hadn’t left his side since Michael had vanished. He knew that it would be on him to help these people adjust. He knew that his mom, Jack and Castiel would help as best they could, but Jack was still adjusting to the world. A part of Sam felt bad that he had forgotten about them and was a little upset that he couldn’t start his search for Dean right away and worst of all Sam didn’t know if he could trust anyone of them.

“Sam, do we tell them about Michael?” Jack asked in a low voice. He knew how much damage Michael and his forces had done to their world and how hated and feared he was. He didn’t think they would take the news well that Michael was here in this world.

“No, for now, we keep it between you and I. We will tell my mom and Castiel when we are alone. I don’t blame them for hating Michael but the last thing we need is them going after Dean all because he said yes to save us. We need to be able to save Dean without having to worry about other world hunters hunting him or those who want revenge.” Sam knew that he would have to come up with a lie as to why Dean wasn’t here and a way to make sure that no one else but those he trusted found out that Dean had been taken over by Michael.

Jack nodded his head; he could see Sam’s point he had lived among these people and he knew that a lot of them had a deep and understandable hatred of Michael and his angels and the last thing that he wanted was for Dean to get harmed in the crossfire. “That seems like a wise course of action but what will we do if they ask about Dean?”

Jack raised a valid point. “They don’t know Dean as we do, we can say that an old friend called him up asking for his help and we aren’t sure how long he will be gone. Then once we get everyone settled I will turn the care of looking after them to my mom and with Bobby and Castiel to help her, we will be free to look for a way to save Dean,” Sam informed Jack.

Surprise appeared in Jack’s eyes, “You really want me to come with you to find Dean? You don’t blame me for what happened?”

Sam wasn’t at all surprised that Jack blamed himself. “Jack, what happened wasn’t your fault okay? So I don’t want you blaming yourself for something that no one had any control over. And there is no one I trust more to have my back than you.”

Jack felt a sense of pride fill him to know that Sam, someone he loved and cared for, trust him to help him save Dean. “I won’t let you or Dean down.”

“I know you won’t. Now let’s go deal with our new guests.” Putting on a smile that was partly fake Sam moved into the meeting room that was full of survivors who clearly didn’t know what to do or where to go.

The moment Mary saw Sam and Jack return without Dean she knew that something was wrong. While she wanted to ask, the look in Sam’s eyes told her any questions would have to wait until later.

“Welcome everyone to the Men of Letters’ bunker. I’m sorry that neither Jack nor I were here to help get you settled but something important came up. As you can see, Dean is not with us. A fellow hunter needed some aid and he will be gone for an undetermined amount of time. Once we have gotten you settled Jack and I will be joining Dean, but we will leave you in the capable hands of my mother and Castiel,” Sam explained with a soft and welcoming smile.

“I know that this is going to be a big shock and adjustment for some of you and I understand. You lost your world and you have been doing your best to survive against overwhelming odds but you are all here because you did just that, you survived. Now I’m not saying that this is going to be easy just know that you now have people who are here to help you whether it is to find a new home here or to return to your world and fight for it. We will do our best to help and support you in any way that we can. I promise you that.”

Sam wasn’t used to being in the leadership role, no that was more Dean’s place and he was only too happy to follow. But from the smile that his mom was sending him it looked like he hadn’t done too bad of a job.

“So why don’t we get you all settled and then we will go from there,” Sam suggested he knew that they would probably be hungry and while he was no cook like Dean he thought that he might be able to whip up some sandwiches with Jack and his mom’s help. “Jack, would you mind showing them around? Letting them know what rooms are free and are taken?” Sam asked turning to the younger man.

“Of course.” Jack figured that Sam was going to fill Mary in on what had gone down and this way he could answer any questions about the bunker without one of the others seeking out Sam and possibly stumbling upon what had happened to Dean. “If you will follow me.”

Mary stayed back as she watched the rest of the survivors leave and follow Jack to find rooms to call their own. She could hear Jack telling them about the bunker. “Okay, Sam what is going on? I know your brother and Dean wouldn’t just leave on a hunt, not without you.”

Sam let out a shaky breath. “Lucifer had Jack and me as prisoners; he was draining Jack’s grace to get his powers back. Dean said yes to Michael, to let him use him as his host to save us but Michael went back on his word and he has taken Dean from us.” Sam could see the horror appearing in his mother’s eyes, “I promise that I will get Dean back. I will save him from Michael.”

“I know you will Sam. And I am not surprised that Dean made a deal to save you and Jack. When Dean thought he lost you in that other world to those vampires and he was going back for your body, I knew that he wasn’t coming back. That he was willingly going to his death and nothing I said would change his mind. The two of you are two halves of the same soul; you cannot exist without one another and if anyone can save Dean from Michael’s hold it is you.” It hadn’t been easy for Mary to accept that her sons had a bond that went beyond brotherhood, a bond that went even deeper than that of lovers. Castiel had explained it one night to her when she asked about them.

“They are soulmates something rare and beautiful. Their love for one another has overcome so many things, every destiny that was written long before they were to be born. They defied both heaven and hell just to save one another. Their love is unlike anything I have ever seen and I have seen so much. I am blessed to know them and get a chance to be a part of their lives.”

Mary bit her lower lip, “You don’t think it is wrong? That they are more than brothers?”

“I do not see things the way you mortals do. I only see two souls that have found their way to one another and when their lives end here in this world they will spend eternity in their shared heaven.”

Mary took Castiel’s words to heart. She knew that Dean and Sam had a different kind of relationship. It hadn’t been easy for her to accept but when she looked into Dean’s eyes he looked dead and she had known at that moment she would be soon mourning two sons.

“I hate Lucifer for all that he has done to you.” Mary didn’t know everything but she knew that Lucifer had tortured and tormented her youngest. She had heard the screams coming from Sam the night the nightmares returned and how Dean had been the one to wrap him up in his arms and soothe him, to reassure him that he was free and that son of a bitch could never touch him again. “But he brought you back to me and Dean and that is the one good thing he has done. Dean had already lost you once. Losing you again would have destroyed him, of course, he would say yes to Michael to save you.”

“Do you blame me?”

Mary let out a horrified sound as she reached out to cup Sam’s face in her hands. She could see the guilt in his eyes and she knew that he blamed himself, “No! I could never blame you. I blame Lucifer and Michael they are the ones at fault. Dean will not want you to blame yourself either. Now, what is the plan?”

“I don’t want to raise alarms or alert any of the others to what is going on. They don’t have a love for Michael and I can understand that but the last thing we need is them going off trying to hunt down Dean. I was taking with Jack with me to find Rowena to see if she can help to find a way to track Michael. Normally I would ask Castiel but his grace is low and I thought it would be best if he stayed here with you to help settle the others,” Sam explained.

While Mary would have loved to be out there with Sam looking for Dean, she could see his point. “What about Ketch? I know he isn’t the most trustworthy guy but he saw that other world and I don’t think he wants that for our world. He might be able to help.”

Sam had to admit that his mom had a point. “I’ll call him once Jack and I are out of the bunker. The last thing I need is for us to be overheard.”

“Just promise that you will keep in touch. Saving Dean will mean nothing if we lose you.” Mary wanted both of her sons to come home safe to her and she would be damned if Michael took Sam from her and kept Dean.
“I will and I will have Dean home soon.” Sam decided that for now, it was best that the whole Michael flirting with him be kept just between him and Jack at least until Sam knew what the archangel meant by it. 

title: how to woo sam winchester, pairing: wincest, sam winchester big bang, pairing: michael/sam

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