Reviews: 52, Spider-Girl, Exiles, Ghost Rider, X-Men, PVP, Thunderbolts, Shazam, Spider-Man & more!

Feb 17, 2007 08:51

Later today, I'm catching a plane for Pittsburgh -- going to spend a week there with my girlfriend, Erin. So this week's updates will be sporadic -- fair warning. But in the meantime, I've got a bunch of reviews from this week to lay on you guys, so let's get started.

52 #41: As Montoya seeks peace, Adam and Starfire fight to get home.
Amazing Spider-Girl #5: Mayday and Mad Dog fight together.
Exiles #91: Psylocke vs. the Exiles -- and guess who the big bad is THIS arc...
Ghost Rider #8: The most tenuous "Casualties of War" crossover yet.
New Excalibur #16: One of the team falls, and not how you'd expect.
New X-Men #35: Why do they really want Mercury?
PVP #31: Brent and Skull pull a "Freaky Friday".
Sensational Spider-Man #35: "Back in Black" starts with a whimper.
Thunderbolts #111: Two issues in and I don't even recognize these characters anymore.
Thunderbolts Presents Zemo: Born Better #1: Excellent examination of the Zemo legacy
Trials of Shazam! #5: Freddy faces the trial of Achilles!
Wolverine: Origins #11: Wolverine's son does... stuff... no one cares about.

And a couple of weeks' worth of capsule reviews from Comixtreme:
February 7, 2007: In which I review Helmet of Fate: Sargon the Sorcerer #1, Justice League Unlimited #30, Mystery in Space #6 & Welcome to Tranquility #3
February 14, 2007: In which I review Friday the 13th #3, JLA Classified #34 & Tales of the Unexpected #5

image comics, wolverine, pvp, sargon the sorcerer, spider-girl, ghost rider, fifty-two, justice league of america, captain comet, exiles, justice league unlimited, marvel comics, tales of the unexpected, jla classified, mystery in space, excalibur, wildstorm, helmet of fate, spectre, x-men, friday the 13th, new x-men, spider-man, dc comics, shazam, thunderbolts

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