Do not make idols or set up an image

Oct 11, 2003 17:48

I was looking at other people's journals and noticed that they all have pictures. And I don't. Which is bad. So I just set up a picture, which will likely just be temporary. It's a pic of Theresa, the dinosaur mascot of WCF (Waterloo Christian Fellowship). It's the best that I could come up with on the spot.

Today's been good so far. I slept in until 10:45, which is probably the latest that I've ever slept in over the past three or four weeks. I needed it a lot! After goofing off for two or three hours, I started doing some research for my first mini-essay that's due on Wednesday for my DE course. Hopefully I can get a draft of the essay done tonight so that I can revise on Thanksgiving Day.

Hooray for three-day weekends! As someone at work (I forget who) pointed out, this is our last long weekend until Easter! Scary thought, eh?

My sister is home from UW today - it's been good hanging out with her for the 45-some seconds that she hasn't been out with her high school friends. We're already ganging up on our youngest sister - and it feels great :-)

Subject line: Leviticus 26:1
Meal for supper: Hamburgers. Mm, mm, heart attack.
Listening to: Shout to the Lord 2000, Darlene Zschech (pronounced "check")

administrivia, family, rs100e, trivia, wcf, day-to-day

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