(no subject)

Feb 06, 2008 18:56

o damn, i'm rly late but thx sarah.

a. list seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself
b. tag seven people to do the same
c. do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it"

1. Every morning, the first thing I do is drink a tall glass of water. I have the same breakfast every single morning on a SAB day; A glass of milk, hot tea, Special K cereal, Sunny side up over bacon, and pineapple chunks. I'm physically weak in the mornings thanks to my low blood pressure, and this specific meal helps me avoid another 'collapsing in the train' scenario like last year.

2. I'm known to be generally superstitious when it comes to performance rituals, but if there's one thing I'm overtly superstitious about, it's earrings. I will not wear the same pair for two days continuously. I base the outcome of my day on my earrings for some reason.

3. I've performed at the New York State Theater and the Metropolitan Opera House at Lincoln Center numerous times.

4. I'm an observer at heart. I love feeling the atmosphere and I guess, vibe of people in general. I'm not a very vocal person; I like to watch from the sidelines, reading what's unsaid. ICU. And I really love it when I find someone else who also knows what's good.

5. If it's one thing that will end up pissing you off about me, it'll probably be my apathy. Sometimes I end up not caring enough to contribute to the conversation, and my indifference has been known to annoy people.

6. I'm a sucker for diners. Oh man. If we go out, I'll always be the one to suggest getting coffee at a diner (especially if it's at like, three in the morning). I absolutely love sitting down at them to have meaty talks with people. When there's debate about what to do, you'll hear that voice go "CAN WE GO TO A DINER???" from me. Yep. Even when the whole team isn't in the mood, I'll still be silently rooting for it in my head.

7. I rarely find myself truly angered but if it's one thing I hate, it's judgement. This is probably because I've spent most of my life in an environment where I've been judged everyday. It's like the second you start judging others, you start judging yourself.

Don't care, not tagging anyone! You can do this if you want to.

I've been kind of floating around aimlessly for the past few weeks. Simply existing, and nothing else. Ballet company auditions have been going on fine, but I still have to make the decision that will determine the next few years.

Ballet. Do I still want this? What do I want.

It is a huge decision. It is. I'm waiting for the time when I won't be influenced by outside waves, and I'll be stable enough to call what I want.
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