Singing in the...

Dec 19, 2005 07:20

I was driving into work this morning when I heard a song on the radio (as I was skimming for a good station) that I've not heard in a long time: Milli Vanili's "Girl You Know It's True." I caught myself singing the lyrics in my head and laughed to myself. But then, the music changed to "Blame It On the Rain". What was this? A Milli vanili megamix? Is there even such a thing!

Sure enough, it was four MV songs mixed. So I've finally moved the singing out of my head and now I'm mouthing the words and "dancing" in my car (consisting of head bopping and really lame hand movements). I'm caught at the light for a 2nd red cycle, when all of the sudden, I happen to glance to my right and two girls were in a car staring at me...and then but out laughing when I make eye contact.

The girl in the passenger's set hold up her iPod and that's when I notice there's an iTrip attached to the top. For those who don't know, iTrip is an attachment you can put on your iPod to broadcast the music over a radio frequecny. I did't think it was strong enough to go much further than a single car, but I guess so.

So after an awkward pause, the song changes into another song and all three of us -- as if it were practiced -- start busing out singing and "dancing". The light finally turned green and I stayed parallel to their car until I had to turn. What a fun way to not only start off the day, but a Monday of all things!

So, to the two mystery girls from this morning: thank you for a blast. We should do it again sometime...perhaps tomorrow morning when I have to work the same shift and will be on the road at the same time. Perhaps tomorrow we can listen to some vintage NKOTB!


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