Spilt Curry

May 24, 2004 17:28

I had a dream this morning that Leah and I were going on a trip to London, but that through a series of mishaps, I made us late for our flight. So, just after our flight was to take off, I went to the airport ticket window and checked that we could exchange the tickets for a later flight. The lady looked at my ticket and said something about hating when this sort of thing happened, but "what can you do?" and rummaged around for a while before giving me a folder with some papers in it. I took it and said, "So we'll just be on a later flight?" and she looked at me with reproach and said, "Well, there's nothing we can do about it -- your insurance is from out-of-state and we can't give you a ticket for a later flight because it's not insured." I started screaming at her, basically saying, "Excuse me? What the fuck? Just because my insurance--" blah blah blah. And then I said something about having Reed College insurance, and would that work. The woman behind the counter looked really shocked and had backed up a couple of feet, but then looked relieved when I told her I had Reed College insurance, and said that would work. So I got a ticket for the next flight. After that, though, I had this lingering feeling of guilt because I thought maybe Leah didn't have Reed insurance, and she's from Maine, so that wouldn't work for this problem.

It was strange.


This morning Scott called me, and sort of woke me up, but we hung up soon afterwards so I could get a little more sleep, and then I got up and had some breakfast (coffee, egg, bagel), and twiddled my thumbs for a while before I finally got off my ass and took the 24 over the hill to Cover to Cover (CtC), the bookstore at which I'm volunteering this summer. I spent most of the afternoon (about 4 hours) pulling some books that hadn't sold in at least six months from the health/fitness and self-help/medicine/psychology sections. Then Paula (one of the owners) went through them, and I piled the ones we were sending back onto the cart and wheeled them behind the counter. Before she could show me how to enter them back into the system to be returned, however, she got a phone call and disappeared into the back room, where she stayed for about an hour. Meanwhile, I amused myself by going through the YA series shelves and organizing those, then through most of the rest of the Children's section, organizing and setting things upright. It's harder to maintain than most of the other sections because its patrons are, well...children. So things get knocked over, moved around... I find things from one shelf in a completely different area... But it's fun. They're my favorite books (except for some of the new young readers series).

Finally, Paula reappeared and I entered the books into the system, mentioned an idea I had for putting up small labels listing all the books (in order) in each of the YA series, and then left. I walked down to the post office, mailed some stuff for my dad, and went down the block to buy some steamed rice for the rest of my red curry, which was waiting in the fridge at home (leftovers from Saturday night). I ran into a family friend, who was buying wanton soup for her son, who used to be one of my sister's closest friends, and we chatted for a while, before I walked over the hill home, talking to Scott on my mobile.

When I arrived home, I discovered that my dad had eaten all the veggies from my red curry, leaving me with four pieces of chicken. Charming. See, this is just what I've been talking about for the last seven or eight years. The container even had my fucking NAME and the DATE OF APPEARANCE IN THE REFRIGERATOR on it! Two days old! ARGH!!!!! Unfuckingbelievable, really. So I yelled at him for a while, but it didn't make me feel much better, since I still had this container of rice for almost no curry. Grr...

So I had a bowl of tomato soup, which was tasty, if not the same as curry. And now I'm sitting on the couch watching TV. Fulfilling.
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