Aug 11, 2004 00:26
Yesterday I talked to Aaron online and blew up at him, which I think provoked a strong defensive reaction, and it didn't get us very far. Today, though, he seemed at least thoughtful, and I apologized for the way I had lost my cool, though I emphasized that I meant what I had said.
Now I don't know what will happen, though...he did just sign on. Interesting. I hope that we can reach a point where I feel like our friendship is positive. I would hate to lose him as a friend, because several years ago he was easily one of my very closest friends.
Today, as I was madly packing, I read a couple of entries in an old journal (when I still wrote personal journal entries!), one of which was from my second day at Reed. It was kind of funny, but also really heartbreaking; at one point I wrote that I was really lucky because I felt like I was surrounded by friends who would be my friends for the rest of my life. While I still feel that's true, I know that one of the people I was talking about was Aaron.
Clingy. That's really interesting. One of my biggest complaints about Scott is often his clinginess. But I suppose that's a pretty apt comment, considering how much my journal is obsessed with this issue. This *relationship*. ::chuckles::
In other news, I've just gotten home from my last Metronome tango practica, which was nice but not nearly as nice as some of them have been. I ran into Gaby from Reed, which was quite bizarre, and annoying because she just started dancing this summer and she's already as good as I am. Also, she's way too cute for her own (and my) good. Damnit. Stupid people with their stupid lives that have too much stupid time on their stupid hands. Uhh.... yes, I am quite aware of how ridiculous I sound. It is rather frustrating to progress so slowly, though, even though I know it's ultimately a choice between having a life full of other things or having a life full of Tango.