Jan 14, 2005 05:57
Yeah, so take your cake and eat it too.
I have to get this out of my system:
You want advice? I'll give you advice. GET OVER IT. Gawd, I am so tired of the ranting and the raving. He thinks it's so cool, so intelligent-sounding... well I hate to burst your bubble-- it's fucking annoying the hell out of me. (I'm not impressed with the so-called 'deep thoughts'. It's so 'trying-hard'.)
Depression caught so much attention that a lot of people now claim to be 'depressed' just so they can hear people say, 'Aww, I feel sorry for you. Your life is hell.' Everyone's now obsessed in the 'your life sucks more than mine' game. You could hear them everywhere, friends and strangers alike trying to one-up each other in whose situation is worse. ('Oh my gosh, that's like, nothing compared to Mr. or Miss So-and-So, she's like, the worst teacher!') Get over it. Whatever happened to being thankful for things that you DO have? And even if you are depressed (and let's assume you are, since you struggled SOOOOO hard to be normal), why do you have to tell every new person you meet? Why do you use it as an excuse? ('That's just the way I am, I'm suffering from depression') That's lame-ass, if you ask me.
Here's an idea: why don't you try DOING something about it instead of just whining everytime we meet?
I'm an insensitive bitch. So sue me.
THERE. Got that out of the way.
The first Evita meeting was somewhat stressful. UGH.
Our mousetrap went 48 feet, and I am disappointed. Bah.
My duet with Lindsay Fruit-Tree (ehehe) is working out well. She's really great. ^.^
I have a Physics test, so I gotta go and stress over it.