Mar 23, 2005 14:15 what?
This is still too weird for me! I just wish I knew what was going on! I'm just so sick of everything being the same day in and day out! It's a conctant battle to get anywhere or make a point and i'm so sick of having to prove myself that i could just vomit. I want, for just once, for someone to love me for me and not for someone i'm pretending to be! I want to feel comfortable and be myself and not have to worry about something I have done before or something someone said. I'm just me, just Jessica, there's nothing special about me. I have my quirks but otherwise I am only me and i'm sick of trying to be what everyone else wants me to be! Honestly, you have no idea what that's like for your sense of personal identification! I don't know who I am anymore, all I know is I gave up a lot and I didn't get anything out of it...and you know what? That really sucks.............