tagged by taruma16

Jan 23, 2006 12:51

List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your livejournal along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.

crap. this is gonna take me a while to do because i just listen to stuff... i hardly ever really pay attention... this will be in no particular order, just as they come to me.

1. Middle American Saturday Night, Kane. this is just a fun sort of song. has sort of a classic rock/rockabilly feel. at least to me. :) plus, i have fond memories of hearing it/seeing it live with two great friends. and that always makes stuff better. :P

2. Oklahoma, Common Rotation (accoustic version). I think this song will always be one of my favorites. i enjoy it in all the forms i've heard it performed in but live and accoustic, slow and soulful, is my fav. i especially enjoy when adam gets the words wrong...

3. Caught, Automatic Hotel. i love everything by this band and this songwriter *hugs* but i have strong memories of this song. this one and Sunnydale are the ones that blew me away and made me pay attention to the band the first time i saw them. and i always sing along to it. and knowing the story behind it... well, that just makes me love it more. ;)

4. wild rock music! LOL. it's a mash-up and i've got it on my iriver and i have no idea who does the pieces... madonna doing "hey, mr. DJ" i think... and something else... just comes on when i'm sitting in my chair and makes me want to move. it's fun. LOL. and i never would've heard or cared anything about mash-ups except NF mentioned them in december and i got curious. found a couple of really interesting ones. i'm on the hunt for more. LOL.

5. Breeze Off the River, Full Monty original cast SNDTRK. this is just a really sweet ballad that the lead guy sings about doing anything for his son.

6. Life on Mars, Michelle Branch. i have no idea where i picked this one up from. i like michelle and all... but this just appeared. must be from a SNDTRK or something. anyways, i like how the music swells... it's cool.

7. Hero, Angel SNDTRK, LIve Fast Die Never. this piece just always makes me cry. that episode was so good and so important. and several of the pieces on this album are powerful- cordy's goodbye (or whatever it's called), for instance. but this piece is my favorite. i was just talking to dee25x5 about this the other day...

okay... now i have to tag people... i tag whoever wants to do this. but specifically, i tag...

briel, vintagesoul, dee25x5, lemonparade83, and... blueirish because i want to know what y'all are listening to. :)

memes, lj

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