Death Pool

Jan 17, 2006 12:26

okay... so one of my friends is doing this thing with some of her friends and invited me and my bro to join the fun. i'm thinking about it but i have no idea who to use! so take a look at the following and suggest some people to me!! HELP!!!

Death Pool Ballot

Phone number:

Celebrity/famous person death pool


Tie breakers:

posted by Helminth_girl @ 12:11 PM 0 comments

The Death Pool Rules

A few of us chatted this weekend at Hanh's defense party and thought it would be fun to do a celebrity/famous person death pool.

Here is how it works: Each person comes of with a list of celebrities they think will kick the bucket this year and submit them to me along with a promise to send $10 to the winner. This is the honor system, people.

People must be celebrities, not just people we all know (i.e., a favorite professor is not a choice unless s/he is well known by other people). Questionable choices will be shared with participants prior to Dec 31 for discussion and approval. If you submit late and have a person who is deemed not to be a celebrity, you will not be allowed to add another name. The winner will be the person who has the most points by December 31, 2006. Entry form is below.

People must die between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2006.
Points are as follows:
1 pt. for persons aged 90 and older
2 pts. for persons aged 80-89
3 pts. for persons aged 70-79
4 pts. for persons aged 60-69
5 pts. for persons aged 59 or younger
1 bonus pt. for having the first person to die on all lists

As tie breakers, we will add an 11th & 12th name. In the event we have two or more people with the same number of points, we will look at the 1st tie-breaker name. The person who 11th person died will win. In the event of a tie for the 1st tie breaker, we will look to the second tie breaker. If we are still in a tie, the winners will split the pot.

Date of death will be determined by location of death. For example, if a person died in New York at 1 AM on December 31, 2006 that would not count even though it was before midnight in California.

Discussion with others and checking out websites is fair game.

All entries must be sent to me by December 31, 2005 at midnight (Eastern standard time). Please feel free to forward this to others. However, all entries need to get to me by DEC 31 2005.

ignore the dates... she just invited me. i have til the end of the month. ack!

memes, friends

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