Nov 07, 2004 22:17
I went to see Saw with Alicia, Kurt, Joan, Ashley and Rachael.
It was... decent except for the corny ass actors and the stupid clown doll. Other than that it would have been cool. The Grudge was way better.
Of course me and steve got into another fight today. He's seriousely such a prick sometimes. Why the fuck is it such a big deal for me to chill with some friends? I don't know what to do.. if I wait around two things could happen: it could slowly get better, or it could quickly get worse. If I break up with him, I could be missing out on something good that could have happened, or I could be making the right choice. It's something that drives me insane thinking about.
I have new cuts on my wrists that I'm going to have to try to hide from my mom... as usual. Ugh.
Whatever. Not much else.
Everyone move to Canada or wherever the fuck you've always wanted to visit... because America is now officially in complete and total deep shit.