Nov 03, 2004 03:28
(03:22:59) Tony: spoofizzle fo shizzle
(03:23:08) Tony: be right back though
(03:23:14) Tony: don't know where I'ma gonna go
(03:23:22) Tony: leighton is homo
(03:24:18) Tony: hey jew
(03:24:22) Tony: whatcha gonna do
(03:24:24) Tony: to me
(03:24:29) Tony: can't you see?
(03:24:54) Tony: I smoke a lot of that wee--
(03:25:05) Tony: wheelbarrow
(03:25:12) Tony: shot down a sparrow
(03:25:15) Tony: with my bow and arrow
(03:25:29) Tony: kicked it in the face
(03:25:35) Tony: sprayed it with some mace
(03:25:49) Tony: fucking sent that bitch to outerspace in a rocket
(03:25:58) Tony: fucking stick it in my pocket
(03:26:02) Tony: like a gameboy
(03:26:15) Tony: saw that movie Troy, with that girl and boy
(03:26:20) Tony: who fall in love
(03:26:32) Tony: like a pair of doves
(03:26:36) Tony: not like soap
(03:26:50) Tony: but damn baby I wanna grope you