Did I imagine this? Passing comment about mixed race couples at school dance.

Jan 03, 2017 10:52

First-time commenter :)

Like many of you, I have BSC stuff burned forever into my brain. One weird bit has stuck with me all these years that bothered me and I finally need to reach out into the interwebs and have it confirmed.

It was a passing comment about a school dance. From what I can remember, the girls were contemplating on whether to go, and for various reasons they decided not to. Like Stacey was busy, Claudia was out of town... And for Jessi the reason was something like, "Besides, there was only one black boy at school that Jessi could have gone with." That always struck me as pretty WTF, saying that she had to go with another black kid, anyone else was out of the question. Aside from the idea that an 11-year-old even needs an actual "date." Does anyone else remember this??

From what I recall, this was NOT a "Jessi POV" book. And I stopped reading the books somewhere around the #60-65 mark, if that helps narrow it down at all. Can anyone post the book and the passage? I wonder if it was edited in later reprints...

Thank you!!

books: general, character: jessi ramsey, stoneybrook, questions: random, questions: books, discussion: books, random thoughts, stoneybrook: schools, discussion: race

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