kamepi video message

Feb 16, 2020 23:15

As most know, last JCD, Kame and Yamapi announced activities as a unit this year including a concert tour. They discuss this futher plus an album in the latest FC vid and I did a loose translation as I watched it. It's quite long and this is just half of it. Sorry I don't have enough time to proofread and check. I'm not even sure if I can finish this especially when more news comes in a few hours - they'll be featured in the morning shows. Anyway, here goes. Feel free to point out any mistake/better translation. AND GUYS, COME ON, YOU KNOW BETTER THAN TO POST THE FC VIDEO PUBLICLY ON TWITTER.

Yep, I finished it and I haven't watched much of the morning news but it seems it's just the same info/content. I definitely enjoyed this more!

K: This is Kamenashi Kazuya
P: and Tomohisa Yamashita
K: As announced from the Johnny’s Countdown Concert 2019-2020, we’re here to inform everyone about the concert. Kame to Yamapi first dome tour has been decided!
K/P: Thank you very much
K: May 9-10 Kyocera Dome, June 13-14 Tokyo Dome for 4 shows has been first scheduled.
P: Furthermore, prior to that dome tour, the release of our first original album has also been decided! The title, release date and other particulars will be announced next time. Please look forward to it.
K: Well then! Speaking of! Finally, it’s starting… we’re now able to inform about it.
P: There’s still the levels of preparation but I’m enjoying and relishing each process that I want to make good use of each day.
K: We have this sense of what we want to do, the power thinking what everyone wants to see, are we able to realize this or not…
P: I think it’s a pile of miracles to be able to do this so….
K: I want to do it one by one…

Q: What kind of album do you want to do?

K: What kind of feel I want it to be…it’s like when you decide to reach the very last point of destination… somehow we talked about this right.
P: Yeah. Somehow, truly, it’s not a living thing but more of changing, updating every day, eventually, when completed, thinking about it now, it has totally been different, that’s something in it.
K: it’s exciting isn’t it
P: yeah
K: For it to become this kind of feeling, right

Q: Does your type of music resemble each other?

K: Yamapi knows a lot of music so…
P: No no….
K: ….foreign music too….
P: Our difference in opinion does not mean it’s something bad but what we’re aiming for, what we can see is the same, it’s what we feel doing.
K: Somehow P is like this, me too, “it definitely has to be this.” My stance this time won’t come in. Of course we want to make good things.
P: We have that flexibility in doing stuff
K: What kind of flavor for this project, what style should we do for it, something like that. Truly it feels like a living thing. Also, there’s like which will it be, not this way, etc.
P: Well the premise is that we’re grateful to have this concert, we’re able to release an album, the significance in being able to do this decides the songs. Like this could probably be exciting in the concert…
K: The concert is exciting isn’t it?
P: So thinking about that…
K: The performance…

Q: Is there anything you want to do on your first “dome” tour?

K: Since it’s a wide space, I want to do something flashy
P: You’re right.
K: Let’s do a lot! Let us do it.
P: Entertainment.
K: The equipment?
P: It’d be great if we can do it
K: Let us use a lot of equipment
P: Equipment please!

Q: What were your thoughts when “Seishun Amigo” was released?

K: I was surprised. Because it was before KAT-TUN’s CD debut so it was like no way because I thought I’d do my CD debut as KAT-TUN. And I also consulted Yamapi then, right?
P: Yeah.
K: Since Yamapi already has a CD at that time
P: Yeah.
K: I was surprised but since it has been decided, I did it recklessly, and as the day the CD goes out draws near, I had that excited feeling, How about you Yamapi?
P: Well for me, there’s a lot of firsts… It’s as Kame said, it was a first time experience so of course I had worries but when it was released, there was a lot of good response and stuff, it was a fun and exciting project as it progressed. That’s what I think looking back at it now.
K: Somehow, in our 10’s, somehow, it’s not that we were too particular on putting out a CD but we got to play together. Well of course we got to work together on Jr. variety shows. That was our youth but nonetheless, that “Seishun Amigo” was our youth, right?
P: Exactly!
K: Right! The project this time, by some chance, 15 years after, you’re probably saying “No way, the 30’s youth?” and stuff.
P: Very much like it.
K: For it to be like that, I want to do my best, right? For our 15 years after selves too.

Q: When were you aware of each other?

K: I entered Johnny’s when I was 12. Before that, I already knew Yamapi since in school, he was really popular.
P: Really~
K: Because of “Ai love B.I.G.” everyone (watches that).
P: Yeah, I did those Jr. variety shows.
K: Yeah yeah. With Toma, Kazapon and others. Classmates in school, seniors and juniors, everyone were like “I have to go home early today!” for “Ai love B.I.G.”
P: Really, it was that kind of generation huh
K: The clearfile of the kid I liked when I was elementary, it was under a pile but Yamapi’s photo was stuck on it. Oh, this guy is Yamashita Tomohisa. Well I only did baseball then so, oh, (I just knew) it’s Yamashita Tomohisa.
P: We started from there right, our meeting.
K: So for me, I was aware of him before I entered Johnny’s but Yamapi, he was already in.
P: Like for example, the Jr. lessons are in the city, we go home the same direction so I was together with Kame. And from that time, naturally, I would go like, “Kame, I’m sad, come stay over.” so he would often come and stay over and stuff
K: He was an extremely sad boy.
P: Elementary days
K: He was an extremely sad boy then.
P: You’re right. That’s why at that time, I behaved like a spoiled kid.
K: Like you have to protect Yamapi.
P: I’m sorry I was such a spoiled kid.
K: You have to protect Yamapi!

Q: In Yamashita-san’s Christmas video, if he has a party, he said he’ll do it with Kamenashi-san’s family.

K: Oh my, I’m happy.
P: Well, when you talk of party, I think of the Kamenashi house.
K: I’m not a party-goer though!
P: No, a feast
K: If it’s either then you say it’s a feast. On a tatami…
P: Every year during New Year, on the Kamenashi house, it’s been various treats and stuff. Since I’ve been spending New Years there, he’s the type to gather everyone, he has this leader spirit so for me it was easy to go there, juniors too would gather and come.

Q: What were your thoughts when it was decided to form a unit again?

P: It was because of the drama that we were grouped.
K: Somehow, this time too it’s the same. It’s not like this and that perspective, we had such aspect so that was really “fate” wasn’t it?
P: Yes. It truly was.
K: We met by chance just like Shuuji and Akira, I don’t think it’s just because of Johnny-san’s idea but somehow in various chances, there’s sensation in our meeting
P: Certainly.
K: That was huge

Q: A message for your fans on your enthusiasm on the activities for your 15th anniversary

P: For those who have supported us from 15 years ago to those who have started supporting the recent Kame to Yamapi, I want to be able to enjoy together with everyone such a best album and concert tour. Unforgettable in a lifetime... It’s just probably 2 hours but I want to make a fun filled time with everyone that can’t be forgotten in a lifetime. I will challenge this with such thoughts. Please look forward to it.

K: In this form, being able to do activities again with Yamapi with great care, I want to have fun with a lot of people. The turn in doing this project, just like us personally, everyone on the receiving end too, I want to deliver a lot of good plus energy, to develop, to create, so by simply having fun, a happy type of style will be felt. Since we don’t have this much opportunity, we will firmly go through this with everyone. I’ve said it a while ago but in the future, when we look back at this project, somehow, I hope everyone will remember the common youth. We ourselves too will strive so please look forward in waiting for it!

For the other particulars, please confirm at Johnny’s Net! That’s all, this was Kamenashi Kazuya

P: and Yamashita Tomohisa.

shuuji to akira, yamapi, kame to yamapi

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