even the ugly duckling turns into a swan

Dec 23, 2006 00:06

a. It occurs to me that some of you like Chad and may not have ONTD friended. So I give you [ Chad in CosmoGirl]. Looking disturbingly hot, I might add.

b. Steamed crabs. HOMG. People, I don't know how I can possibly explain. Just know that I have such an unholy love for steamed crabs, and the only time I can get them is when I am home, because nobody outside Maryland knows how to do it correctly. I will have to get a recipe and attempt it with dungeness crabs, but I suspect it won't be the same.

c. Baby brother is playing Goldeneye and stinking it up. This amuses me a lot.

d. Two more days of almost-nothing (except cooking, and Mass on Sunday evening), then Christmas. Then a mad dash to exchange things that don't fit on Tuesday morning before I dash off to the airport Tuesday afternoon, catch a plane Tuesday night, and repack to go skiing. There should be a 'net connection where we're staying, so I will see you all still, but I will be understandably wiped in the evenings.

Oh, my life.

and i'm the only one, my favorite work of art, food is love, two-letter network, the home front

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