Dec 17, 2009 17:34
Well, it's been almost a year since my last post. In a way I'm very glad that I don't post on here often. It allows me chance to reflect on changes in my life - changes seem much more significant when given time to build on each other. From tiny seeds grow big trees, or so they say!!
So, where am I today?
Last time I wrote, I reported that very little had changed for me. I still had the love of my gorgeous man, and I'm pleased to report that that is one thing that hasn't changed. He truly is my blessing in life - I don't know how I could, or if I could, live without him now. Very soon we will be celebrating our second anniversary as a couple and we have done so much in that time. From the moment we got together, this relationship has been something of a delightful whirlwind. It has its ups and downs like any other relationship - but it is by far the happiest I've been in a very, VERY long time. In August of this year, Paul bought a house and thus the wheels were set in motion for us to begin living together. In September, he moved into the house and in October I followed. I've now lived here for two and a half months, and we're very settled together. I still work for the same company, just in a different location. My role is much the same, but I'm hoping very soon that the opportunity for promotion arises.
My nan is now living with my mum. In September of this year, she had a couple of strokes - one minor and one major. She lost the use of her left side and now relies on the help of my mum and a team of carers working shifts to ensure she has the best provision of care possible. It seems so strange to me that I've lost the nan I don't think I can even remember now. For a long time I was in limbo - the nan I have now isn't the nan she was. She was a strong, independent woman. Now, while she is still very determined to regain many of her original faculties, she isn't the independent woman she once was. For a long time I grieved this loss - it took me a while to realise that she hadn't gone, as such, she'd just changed a lot.
I've just celebrated my 23rd birthday. TWENTY THREE! When did that happen? I think if I trawled back far enough through this journal, I'd be able to call up a journal entry from my 18th birthday. I know for a fact that I can read my less mature attitudes back then. A lot of my experiences in the last 5 years have really grown and shaped me. I now consider myself to be a well-rounded, well-developed, mature adult. I can't believe I'm a woman now, really. I have grown from a girl to a woman in a relatively short space of time, and yet there's still so much more to go through before I consider myself a true adult. In my mind, I'm still that 18 year old girl - externally, I guess appearances might give away my true age!!!
Well, I guess this is it for another year. I really truly hope Livejournal never goes down - I would really hate to lose my life's postings! Here's to a wonderful 2010 - another chapter in the book of life.