Apr 05, 2003 17:14
Last night: Abby's party was okay... Um, that Scott guy was nice...and I thought he was cute.
*I'm really starting to get irritated with how much everyone's suddenly changing. Not growing up and maturing, exactly, just faking things or giving in to indulgences they once stood up to. It's disappointing and in some cases, obnoxious. Really sad to see how different some people are when I liked them better before, I don't care if they are happier now. Ugh.
Got into Bard...didn't ever post it. Uh, so I'm visiting Austin College's admitted students weekend next weekend after ISAS, but then the next weekend I leave to visit Bard. I'm really excited about that...uh Mr. Graves called their president for me since they're friends, and I was excited about that too.
Need to finish my paper on "Importance of Being Earnest" and "Tartuffe." Watching "Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys" with Jeff tonight...should be good. Might stop by the Midwest Kings performance, but I'd rather go see this Oxygen Bar business if people were still thinking about going.
Shitty week. Really long and full of dance/show choir practices...yea play practice for the next four days...and I'm sore as hell from last week's death camp dance classes. Had it twice a day on 2 of the days, yeah, and she made us do ab workouts twice in one day so I can barely move.
Oh, forgot to take Madeline home yesterday after practice so she called me and told me Tyne could take her and that she was just making sure I wasn't still there. I felt so horrible! I completely forgot...whoops??
I'm getting excited for ISAS...not.