Update for today

Oct 22, 2004 00:01

Sorry, no questions today. Tomorrow I'll do a commentary, but that's tomorrow.

Tomorrow I start my new job. It's more along the lines of what I studied for, and most likely there's a lot more room for advancement. I make a tiny bit less per hour, but I'll work more hours per week so I'll still make more, plus it has benefits (oh thank GOD). I can finally see a doctor when I need to, plus they'll pay for any classes I want to take. Given that the UofA is right in the middle of town, the draw to take a decent art class is pretty strong. It'll be nice to work with more people my age, too.

I was sort of sad about leaving my job at HE Microwave though. Much as I hated cube life, it was interesting at times (though slow at others). Everyone that I worked with (and those I hardly knew), came up to me to congratulate me on my new job. They all told me what a good job I did helping them out where I could (why don't employers ever tell you that you're doing well when you're employed? Everyone would be a little happier) I think they understand where I'm coming from in leaving, since I only worked 30 hours a week without benefits. They know they'll be looking for jobs too if they want to stay in the area, since the plant is closing in less than a year; another reason I was leaving was that I wasn't sure how long they would keep me on, given that some of the engineers don't know either. Many of them commented about going to Raytheon (the company that half owns HE), calling it "the mothership". But the people were very nice there, and I will miss Carol :) Someone shorter than me that's crazy about cats (she skillfully evaded my question about how many she had by saying "a lot"). I spent most of today talking to those that were the most interesting, as well as doing the document audit and some warranty work on the database. I will miss those people, and I do wish them the best of luck finding a good job so they can stay here, it is a beautiful place. Good luck guys.
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