bugblue helped me with my confusion on gender and sexuality. She wrote: Sounds like you are going through something a lot of people deal with - What is gender? Do I fit into either male or female? Are there other options? I don't know what to say except that there are as many ways of expressing gender as there are people (same goes with sexuality - people aren't all either gay or straight). I guess it's all about checking with yourself every step of the way. There are lesbians (and straight women) who choose to go on T and keep identifying as female, there are transguys who never have surgery or take hormones, some people change their names and others don't. Defining your own path might be harder, but (at least to me) living based on other people's rules and expectations feels yucky and unreal. I wish I had an answer because I've felt a lot of the pain and confusion that you are going through right now. Best of luck!
I understand now that even lesbians go on T I thought only tranny boi's or trans go on T. Wow that makes alot of sense to me now. Does that make me bi if I think guys are cute though? hmmm I don't classify myself as bi. I'd say Lesbian. but I thought about Lesbians don't go for penis so why would a lesbian be with someone who has a penis or a PPP?
So many ?'s
- Trey