Cadeaux d'Anniversaire

Dec 28, 2006 12:46


Allez, je continue sur ma lancée pour mettre mon LJ à jour...
Et je continue avec les cadeaux d'anniversaire que j'ai reçus!

Merci beaucoup à annaoz et chez_maltesers qui m'ont toutes deux écrit des textes surprises pour mon anniversaire! Vraiment merci beaucoup les filles, je ne m'y attendais pas du tout et cela m'a fait énormément plaisir!!! ^O^
Surtout que vous avez vraiment cherché à écrire sur des pairings que j'aime...T^T
Je suis toute émotionnée T^T^T
Psssst... annaoz...Je suis certaine que tu écriras un truc super sur Green Street Hooligans^^

Voici donc les textes qui m'ont adorablement été offerts^^
Happy me!! ^O^

Par annaoz


Un soir où il a encore trop bu - maudit Ishbal - il trébuche sur elle en regagnant son baraquement. Ca ne l’étonne pas vraiment qu’elle soit dans les parages, elle garde toujours un œil sur lui.

Elle revient de la douche, sans doute, ses cheveux blonds frisottent dans son cou, elle sent bon, merveilleusement.

Il ne devrait pas, en rêve uniquement il peut se le permettre, mais c’est plus fort que lui, il faut qu’il goûte à ces lèvres-là.

Ca ne dure que le temps d’une étincelle avant qu’elle ne le repousse, murmurant pas maintenant.

Plus tard donc ? Ca lui convient, il attendra.


Il doit être à l’agonie quand il voit devant ses yeux une silhouette mince, blanchâtre, auréolée de blond, qui se penche, inquiète semble-t-il, sur lui.

Un ange, c’est la fin.

Il a assez lutté sans doute, et c’est doux de se laisser couver par les yeux gris de l’envoyé du ciel, mais c’est un peu dommage, il n’avait pas tout à fait terminé.

Un baiser, fiévreux, brûlant, qui l’a donné ? Lui ? L’autre ?

Il a sa réponse quand une claque s’abat sur sa joue, que l’être éthéré hache : « Potter ! Debout, arrête tes conneries ! »

Malefoy ?

Ooh, il ne perd rien pour attendre ! D’abord finir la guerre, puis lui rendre la claque !

Ou un autre baiser…


Ca a commencé par une chute, les deux garçons roulant, bras et jambes entremêlés, sur le sol boueux du terrain de quidditch.

Oliver, plus rapide, a cueilli la mâchoire de Flint d’un coup de poing et se prépare, tous muscles échauffés, à essuyer une réplique aussi brutale.

Le capitaine des Serpentard, pourtant, ne réagit pas comme il s’y attend, se contentant d’assurer sa prise sur lui de tout son corps, plus fort, plus lourd.

Ca lui plaît sans doute plus de l’humilier en l’immobilisant, et Oliver, ruant encore, espère que Katie ne tardera pas trop à ramener Bibine.

Jusqu’à ce que Flint chuchote contre sa bouche J’aime bien quand tu te débats et qu’il en oublie la prof, la boue et tout le reste dans un choc exalté de dents, de langues, de lèvres.

X-men_Pyro/Iceman (ou plutôt John/Bobby)_PG

Patient, John ne l’a jamais été ; le feu brûle en lui en permanence.

Alors quand il voit débarquer cette fille à l’Académie, qu’il devine avant Bobby lui-même son futur manège de petit coq pour épater Marie - des roses de glace, comme c'est chaaarmant - son sang bouillonne.

« Si tu l’embrasses, ce sera froid et rien d'autre… » lui murmure-t-il avant d’aller en cours, le coude au creux des côtes.

Bobby a la grâce infime de paraître embarrassé à l’instant où John écrase ses lèvres brûlantes, embrasées, sur les siennes. Se séparant de lui, juste après, la piqûre du givre encore sur ses papilles, il en viendrait presque à plaindre la petite nouvelle : vas-y, fais mieux.

Par chez_maltesers

Something about the Season
Inui/Kaidoh Prince of Tennis

Fandom: Tenipuri

Pairing: InuKai

Rating: PG?

Summary: Inui attempts to show his affection for and demonstrate his complete mastery of cooking to Kaidou in the kitchen. He succeeds in one and fails in the other.

Notes: I don’t think I’ll ever be able to write those other drabbles. I can’t remember who those characters are, apart from their relation to Draco Malfoy, so I don’t think there’s any hope for me there XD Ailleurs, je voulais écrire cela pour toi et j’espère que tu l’aimes bien. Je suis vraiment contente de t’avoir rencontré cette année. Je souhaite que tu aies un joyeux anniversaire et bonne noël. ^^ *hugs*

Actually this fic is a bit weird XDDD But it's the thought that counts, right? :D;;
Something About the Season

Kaidou wasn’t sure what to expect as he rang the doorbell of Inui’s house.

He waited nervously, fiddling with the hem of his shirt as he stared at the wooden front door.

Then, turning around, he took a step away from the front door, half-wondering what he was doing here anyway.

He should probably have refused Inui’s invitation because the longer he waited here; the more he was remembering the funny way Inui had asked him around in the first place…

Inui had approached him as he’d walked off the tennis court three afternoons before, and there had been something kind of strange about the way he kept changing his wording and repeating himself and the way he seemed to be looking over Kaidou’s head rather than at him…

And then he’d fumbled with his notebook twice and dropped his pencil, and in the end Kaidou had gotten so fed up with him being so weird that he’d walked off and Inui had finally shouted everything out where everyone could hear it.

Inui-senpai was really embarrassing sometimes, Kaidou thought.

After that, Fuji-senpai had asked if Inui would be kind enough to extend the invitation to the rest of the team and Inui had hurriedly told him no.

Kaidou suspected Inui would be in for something awful when he least expected it, because the way Fuji’s eyes had opened had seemed to suggest he didn’t take rejection very well, but right now…

Kaidou heard a loud thump behind him and spun around to face the door.

Inui breathed in and out rather heavily.

Kaidou took in Inui’s appearance as he caught his breath.

His glasses were crooked and his face looked red.

His hair looked sweaty like he’d just played a six-set match with Tezuka-buchou, and there was some strange green… goo… in it…

Kaidou swallowed hard.

Inui was wearing an apron.

The apron suggested he’d been in the kitchen.

And the goo in his hair was - even though Kaidou really wished it wasn’t - a rather bright green.

Kaidou told himself he should worry about Fuji-senpai later.

Right now, Fuji-senpai was the least of Kaidou’s worries.

What he was more worried about now was…

Well, he wasn’t really sure where to start.

“Kaidou,” Inui finally said, and adjusted his glasses.

Kaidou noticed his fingers were covered with the same green goo that was in his hair, and he stepped backwards, hissing.

“I… I have to-”

“Go?” Inui stepped forwards and caught Kaidou’s arm before he could get further away.

Kaidou’s arm suddenly felt sticky and warm.

He looked down.


“You can’t go, Kaidou,” Inui told him, matter-of-factly. “I have been… I was… I mean, I am currently in the middle of preparing something in the kitchen…”

Kaidou waited; his breath held.

“… It’s for you, Kaidou,” Inui finished, and Kaidou thought he really should make his escape.

Unluckily for him, Inui did three hundred and fifty arm exercises every morning, which was two hundred more than Kaidou, and Kaidou thought he could feel every one of those in the way Inui kept his arm grasped as he pulled him into the house.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness inside the house, Kaidou looked back at the front door.

He was rather sorry he hadn’t asked Inui to invite Fuji-senpai instead of him.

Fuji would have survived the horrors of Inui’s kitchen.

… Perhaps.


Kaidou had thought the sight of nuclear-green goo Inui’s hair at the front door was a bad omen, but as they reached the doorway of the kitchen, he looked down to see some thick red fluid on the floor.

He swallowed and tried not to step near it.

Was it blood?

Was he not Inui’s first victim of the day?

It was a Sunday, so it was possible Inui had already been testing out his concoctions on other people…

Perhaps he kept a collection of lab rats somewhere, though Kaidou had always thought he limited his experimentation to people, rather than animals.

He’d once said they provided him the subjective feedback he required for a lot of his drinks.

Kaidou had wanted to tell him that he didn’t think passing out on the floor counted as subjective feedback because as far as he was concerned, it wasn’t any kind of feedback except that whatever was in Inui’s drinks probably shouldn’t be legal in Japan because it was most probably fatal in large doses.

He hadn’t though, because he didn’t want to hurt Inui-senpai’s feelings, and because he was sure the price for that sort of honesty was a glass of green glug that looked like a week’s worth of rotten lettuce mixed up with whatever Inui had found crawling outside on the ground outside his back door.

“Oh, don’t worry about the mess, Kaidou.”


Kaidou looked up.

He’d been about to ask Inui what exactly it was on the floor, but at that moment, he realised that when Inui said ‘mess’, he didn’t just mean the floor.

There was some more of that green goo smeared on the fridge door.

There was a pile of empty glasses lined up next to the sink, and a rather precariously balanced pile of plates and bowls on the counter.

They looked like they’d been full of unidentified green mush as well, and Kaidou’s eyes searched the kitchen hurriedly for whatever had come out of them.

He hoped it wasn’t something Inui actually wanted him to drink or eat.

Oh, he really hoped Inui didn’t want him to drink whatever it was.

Perhaps he could tell Inui he was sick and couldn’t take anything solid.

But then Inui would probably throw his lumpy juice back into the blender and mix it until it was runny.

He recalled the taste of the last concoction Inui had brought to training, and his stomach threatened to empty itself of his breakfast and lunch and even those nice chocolates Hazue had shared with him after that.

“Kaidou?” Inui questioned. “You look pale.”

Kaidou panicked for a second.

“No! No, I’m fine, Senpai!”

Inui stared at him a moment longer.

Or, at least, Kaidou thought he was looking at him.

It was hard to tell through Inui’s glasses.

“Do you want to sit down and have something to drink? I have some juice in the fridge.”

Kaidou fidgeted, trying to control the urge to keep panicking.

“No, I’m fine. Thank you Inui-senpai,” he said, managing to keep his manners in check despite the obvious gravity of the situation.

The last time he’d had one of Inui’s drinks, he hadn’t been able to eat anything for an entire day afterwards.

The last time Fuji-senpai had had one of Inui’s drinks, he’d opened his eyes and blinked for a moment before collapsing on Kawamura-senpai.

Kaidou subconsciously inched backwards, back towards the kitchen doorway, seeking comfort in the thought that the greater the distance between him and Inui-senpai, the more of a head start he’d have when he had to run for it.

At any rate, the green goo was -

“What’s this?” Kaidou asked, suddenly staring in fascination at it.

He’d thought it was juice, but now up-close, it looked more like froth to him.

His finger hovered near it for a moment as his curiosity very nearly overcame his fear.

Then Inui stuck his head right next to Kaidou’s and stared at the same glob of goo before swiping his finger across the doorway there and picking up the goo on his finger.

“This is…”

Inui adjusted his glasses and looked thoughtful.

Kaidou waited expectantly.

“I had actually not expected you to come on time, Kaidou,” Inui finally said, not answering Kaidou’s question directly and instead rubbing at the back of his head with hand.

Kaidou noticed that there was goo on that hand when Inui put it into his hair and none when he removed it a moment later.

He swallowed hard and told himself not to think about what was going into this green mess.

He really didn’t want to know.

“Anyway, since you’re here, I might as well explain that this substance is approximately fifty percent sugar, forty-eight percent egg, one point five percent tartar and half a percent green food colouring…”

Kaidou blinked.

There were no vegetables?

He peered a little closer.

There was egg in this foam?

“That is,” Inui continued on, twitching his fingers a little, “I had intended that I would be finished baking these by the time you arrived so as to be able to present them to you in a manner which is… which is fitting for our relationship while also taking in the socially-acceptable holiday traditions you must be used to and… Kaidou?”

Kaidou hissed, cheeks turning pink as the meaning of Inui’s words hit him.

“But what is it actually supposed to be, Senpai?” he questioned gruffly, looking again at the red mess on the floor and the froth smeared over the counters and fridge.

“Meringue,” Inui stated quickly.

Then he cleared his throat a little and corrected himself. “Or rather, it will be, once I have placed it in the oven at a hundred and fifty degrees Celsius for - ”

“Oven?” Kaidou interrupted.

Inui gave a little smile, realising he had yet to explain to Kaidou that although it appeared right now that there was more of the green mixture on the kitchen’s various surfaces than on a tray in the oven, he had been about to correct that when Kaidou had rung the doorbell.

He supposed it would be a little awkward now if he were to retrieve the mixture and try to stick it all back together in small lumps shaped into swirls and blobs like he’d seen in the cookbook.

Perhaps he could just make another mixture?

He had wanted to shape them so he could decorate them later to look like cats and dogs, except that it was painfully clear now that he didn’t quite have the skill for that even if he had the enthusiasm.

“Well, you see… Kaidou…” Inui began again.

He was feeling increasingly like this had been rather a bad idea and that perhaps he should have conducted a test run before inviting Kaidou over rather than while Kaidou was here to witness his incompetence with a spoon in his hand instead of a racquet…

“You see… I concluded from my data that you would most probably be averse to receiving juice for Christmas… I concluded from my data that your mother would most likely not allow me into your house again if I gave you anything that Fuji recommended to me, and I don’t think that your current station in life would permit me to give you a pet and reasonably expect you to keep and maintain it… And I… couldn’t find anything else that seemed to fit.”

“But it isn’t even Christmas yet,” Kaidou hissed, though Inui noted with a little smidge of hope that Kaidou hadn’t moved any closer to the doorway.

His reaction wasn’t quite as bad as Inui had expected it might be.

“Ah, of course I am aware that it is customary to give presents on the twenty-fourth and not the tenth,” Inui explained, fumbling to turn around and fetch the sponge from the sink.

He was starting to feel more than a little silly about the whole thing and as he wiped up some of the mixture that was starting to dry and stick, he lowered his voice.

“I had intended to pre-empt any present you may… I mean, I had wanted to be the first person you received a present from this year.”

Kaidou was silent for a moment, and for that moment, Inui truly felt like he’d let his junior down.

He’d invited him over with the intention of impressing him with his culinary skills, only to find he had none and that all he had to show for two hours’ work was a kitchen covered in green-coloured egg and a puddle of red-coloured egg on the floor because in his rush the first time around, he had neglected to read the part that stated he was supposed to whip the egg whites.

He was not an irrational person as a general rule, but something about the season and the thought that it would be his first Christmas with Kaidou had just gone to his head, and now he was standing here feeling like an idiot while -

Oh, he realised.

Kaidou was walking out of the kitchen.

Inui’s chest hurt unexpectedly; struck suddenly by the thought he had really annoyed Kaidou and the feeling that perhaps he really had been too ambitious in assuming Kaidou would want something like this at all.

Was he angry?

Inui could see his shoulders were slumped.

“Ka-Kaidou?” he called out, and awkwardly hurried over the red puddle in the doorway.

His junior turned around, looking a little wary.

“I’m sorry,” Inui apologised.

He realised the vision in his left eye was becoming blurry and he pulled off his glasses, wiping them off on his apron.

Funny, his apron was clean while every other inch of him seemed to be a sticky mess.

“I… I hadn’t meant for it to turn out like this,” he explained, about to replace his glasses when Kaidou put his hand on his wrist.

The touch surprised him, and Inui couldn’t help but stare straight at Kaidou, wondering what the other boy was thinking.

“I don’t mind,” Kaidou said.

Inui felt his heart thumping quickly in his chest and held his breath a little.

Kaidou seemed to be moving closer, and even without his glasses, Inui could see the pink appearing on his cheeks and the way he’d averted his eyes ever so slightly.

He felt a little awkward not being able to see clearly, and he fumbled slightly with his left hand as he touched Kaidou’s jaw, but their lips found each other’s easily enough and Kaidou didn’t even protest or punch him when Inui slipped his tongue into the other boy’s mouth.

When they finally pulled apart for air - Inui didn’t have much experience in the area, but he thought that if he gave Kaidou breathing exercises along with his usual training, they might extend the average length of their kisses by a few seconds soon enough - Kaidou gave him back his glasses and looked away as Inui put them on and adjusted them on the bridge of his nose.

He hadn’t noticed nearly dropping them, but he didn’t notice many things when he was kissing Kaidou.

Inui wanted to push his luck and do it again, but Kaidou’s posture suggested he was thinking hard about something and Inui’s data suggested that if he interrupted the boy in a moment like this, Kaidou was more than likely to lose his temper and stomp off, at which point Inui would lose his chance to sneak any more kisses.


“Yes, Kaidou?”

Inui noted that Kaidou’s hand was still hovering around the height of their abdomens, which wasn’t altogether a bad sign.

“I… I want to give you your present before anyone else too.”

Inui blinked.

“I don’t have anything else, so I… I…”

Kaidou’s face was a hundred shades of red, and Inui was certain his whole body must be pink because he certainly looked embarrassed and nervous enough, but he wasn’t a person who did things half-heartedly, so he kissed Inui again.

He was a little rough with his kisses, but Inui didn’t care.

Some time in between pushing Kaidou up against the wall and tumbling onto his mother’s sofa, Inui realised he had managed to cover Kaidou’s clothes with green meringue mixture as well, but it didn’t matter.

Somehow, he felt as though there was something slightly different about Kaidou today.

Inui supposed he should put it down to something about the season, and think about it later.

He would have tried a little harder to work out what it was, but in the end, he gave up on it and instead gave in to the fact that he was with Kaidou, and Kaidou was with him, and they were on the sofa next to Inui’s mother’s Christmas tree together and that was all that mattered.

Besides, Inui thought, he could always invite Kaidou back again next weekend to make more meringues.

BabyD! (Qu'elle se sent trop gatée mais qu'elle va pas s'en plaindre^^)

[fandom] - x-men, [fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [character] - stjohn allerdyce (pyro), [fandom] - fullmetal alchemist, [character] - draco malfoy, [pairing] - draco/harry, [character] - marcus flint, [seasons] - my birthday, [fanfic] - for me, [fanfic] - gifts, [fanfic] - sentence, [character] - roy mustang, [character] - bobby drake (iceman), [pairing] - marcus/oliver, [character] - riza hawkeyes, [seasons] - christmas, [fandom] - harry potter, [character] - harry potter, [character] - oliver wood, [pairing] - bobby/john (iceman/pyro), [pairing] - riza/roy

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