
Jul 23, 2012 12:50

Okay, I'm really behind with my thankies but here I am to catch up!

Thank you girls for being so very awesome♥

mrs_leary for the lovely book of nursery rhymes you offered me for my BabyBoy! He loves it! And I discovered so many funny songs!♥

pippii for the lovely cards and bookmarks! They are all cute and you do know me too well^^♥

bellacatbee for the lovely drabbles you wrote me!♥
♥ Adam/Michael, SUPERNATURAL, Adam is dead and in Heaven. Michael comes to get him to be able to have his vessel. Adam is ready to agree though he asks for a favour... Because it's really a shame to be dead and still a virgin!:p; BEFORE_I_M_BACK
♥ Jo, SUPERNATURAL, Women Appreciation Post, TARGET_PRACTICE
♥ Loki/Thor, THOR, Thor is actually the virgin!, VIRGIN
♥ Adam/Michael, SUPERNATURAL, Michael is not happy when Lucifer is actually trying to steal is Vessel away., SO AN ANGEL WALKS INTO A CHURCH
♥ Castiel/Dean, SUPERNATURAL, Dean learns Castiel to drive^^, GO SLOW!
♥ Adam/Michael, SUPERNATURAL, Domesticy Meme, IN THE WASH
♥ Adam/Michael, SUPERNATURAL, Kink Meme - Washing, HAPPY ENDINGS

lokifan for the lovely oneshot you wrote me!♥
♥ Loki/Thor, THOR, Loki trying to seduce Thor as a woman!, EQUAL AND OPPOSITE

naemi for the angsty but nontheless lovely fic you wrote me!♥
♥ Casey/Zeke, THE FACULTY, Casey or Zeke!zombie came but for Zeke or Casey's brain, and took away heart, HAEMORRHAGE

shutupeccles for the sad but so lovely fic you wrote me!♥
I'm so glad you enjoyed the movie^^
♥ Albrecht/Friedrich, NAPOLA, Friedrich sees Albrecht everywhere. The warmth of what should have been saves him from despair., REFLECTED LIGHT

[character] - friedrich weimer, [fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [pairing] - adam/michael, [character] - zeke tyler, [pairing] - albrecht/friedrich, [pairing] - loki/thor, [pairing] - casey/zeke, [character] - castiel, [fanfic] - gifts, [fanfic] - for me, [fandom] - supernatural, [fandom] - thor, [fandom] - the faculty, [character] - albrecht stein, [character] - loki, [character] - casey connor, [character] - adam milligan, [fanfic] - oneshot, [recs], [character] - michael, [fandom] - napola, [character] - thor

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