One Sentence Valentine Fic Meme for svgurl

Feb 05, 2011 21:08

Hi there!^^

Don't forget to give me some pairing & prompt HERE for Valentine Day!
I'll be more than happy to write you something^^


Lois/Oliver(SMALLVILLE) - Kiss

"It has to stop, now, Oliver!" sighed Lois, once again walking home a really drunk Oliver; when the blond tried to kiss her as they've both fell on the bed, she stopped him, a finger on his lips;
"You'll have to try that again when sober" she whispered,
"Do you really think I'd be courageous enough to" whispered back Oliver his eyes at last focused on her;
"You are Oliver Queen, aren't you?" she answered in a smile.

[pairing] - lois/ollie, [fanfic] - valentine day, [character] - oliver queen/green arrow, [seasons] - valentine day, [character] - lois lane, [fanfic] - sentence

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