One Sentence Valentine Fic Meme

Feb 05, 2011 02:38

Hi there!^^

Don't forget to give me some pairing & prompt HERE for Valentine Day!
I'll be more than happy to write you something^^

aliensouldream, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY

Casey/Zeke(THE FACULTY) - Ice Cream

Zeke never really was into ice cream, when the weather was really hot, a good beer has always made it for him, but that was until he saw the yound Connor indecently enjoying
his daily ice cream.

archaeologist_d, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY

Arthur/Merlin(MERLIN) - Red

"What's that?" spatted Arthur after a long and tiring day, seeing a very dark red flower on his pillow,
"It's a rose, Arthur" answered Merlin frowing,
"What for?" gritted the prince,
"To woo you, you big prat!" snarled Merlin and Arthur's cheeks turned as red as the flower.


Arthur/Merlin(MERLIN) - epic

"That's what Arthur and I will be some day...epic" slurred a drunk Merlin to his friend,
"Actually, listening to you talking about you and your wonderful Arthur is...epic" answered Gwaine trying to drown in his ale to not heard one more word.

[seasons] - valentine day, [fandom] - the faculty, [fandom] - arthurian legend, [character] - zeke tyler, [character] - arthur pendragon, [fandom] - merlin, [fanfic] - valentine day, [character] - casey connor, [character] - merlin, [pairing] - casey/zeke, [pairing] - arthur/merlin, [fanfic] - sentence

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