Nov 13, 2009 21:20

Hello lovelies!

I didn't find time to post about my last trip in London until today, so here I am to share the happiness with you cause I complained a little too much lately. RL can be hard and so busy. But, hey, that's why we have to share about the wonderful moments too! ;)

I had a wonderful weekend in London with my friends florejedi, sambre & souzoukyuketsuu <3
I so love London and people there. I really feel like I could live over there (but I'm pretty sure my husband wouldn't agree xD)

=> We arrived on Friday evening at Trafalgar Square where we meet with the wonderful and so cheerful aliensouldream & gabi-fics *waves and clings to them*
As always, I/we was/were running late (only ten minutes because London Subway decided to be mean to us the very first second we walk into it! *pouts*) but I did spot gabi_fics thanks to her wonderful red hair! (I loved the bunches!<3)
We had a very nice dinner in a Thai restaurant. Food was really good <3 and the company was even better^^ We spent the evening talking about everything and nothing (not only about slash, you silly xD) and a little about Josh and El-eeee-zah (*insert French accent*)
I really hope to see you again girls. *hugs tight*

=> On saturday, we spent the day enjoying ourselves and wanderind in London. For once I really totally forgot about the sales and we nearly get killed, totally squashed by passer-by around Picadilly Circus xD Women and sales! Fearing neither God nor man!! xD God! Never again!
And the Saturday Night was our reward.
We went to the Medieval banquet in London by the Tower. And we had a really great evening!
You do know how much I like everything that is related to Middle ages so I had a blast! It was really fantastic^^

The food was good and the live entertainment pretty brilliant^^ We sang, we danced, we ate...a lot^^ I know I'll return there and next time I will definitely come with a costum ÖÖ
we were really lucky girls cause we got really nice young men sitting at our table. Six rather good looking and blond Danish guys (*waves to pippii*). So now my friends couldn't deny that blond men can be really really enjoyable ÖÖ
By the way, they were the one looking and drooling. You do know me. I would never do that! ;p

=> On Sunday, we went to the London MCM Expo!
We weren't really sure about that yet because we booked in the first place to meet the Merlin cast and, as you know, only Katie (Morgana) and Angel (Gwen) appeared there.
You do know my huge crush over Gwen's character and my happiness about Morgana this season, so no, I wasn't really keen to go to the con. Then we tought "why not"? because we already did book.
(And I won't even talk about Elijah Wood cancelling his coming on saturday. *pouts*)

The con was really interesting. We are used to these conventions in France, for years now. I think the biggest in Europe are actually in Paris. But it really didn't feel the same. People were just so kind at London MCM Expo. So nice, so cheerful. A really great atmosphere^^
And, really, congrats for all the guys who came dressed up for the cosplay! You were AMAZING! I don't knwo how they dare coming to the Con, walking in the streets, taking the subway, wearing their costums but this is just great xD
Some guys had amazing hair O.O I was really stunned by the superb piece of workmanship about some hair! *thumbs up*

Ursula from the Little Mermaid... Wasn't she just great? OO

Then, we did watch the Merlin pannel. I was really happy to be there in the end even if the accoustic of the hall was just horrible! I couldn't catch the questions people are asking and when the cast wasn't talking in front of the microphones I couldn't hear their answers ToT Not really interesting questions were asked but it was still nice.

Okay, this isn't Merlin pannel but I think the guy was rather hot and the cast is funny. Warehouse 13, isn't it? I think I'll try to watch the show xD

After, we waited in order to get the autographes. I really wanted katie's autograph cause I really like her^^
We were happy to meet the girls and Johnny. It was really interesting and they're so nice.
Angel is really more beautiful in real life. she really is kind of shy but really lovely.
Katie is... Katie! She really is something! I like her! So funny and stunning! What a gorgeous woman!
I did chat a little with her and spent a great time. I was all blushing when she told me "Hey! You're a really beautiful woman!"... I just answered "That was my line!"
And we laught. She really has a beautiful laugh^^ (It was really nice of her and I was deeply touched cause I'm not used to have people complimenting me, just my mum and my hubby but we do know they love their little ugly duclking xD)
And then we talked a little about Mordred, I told her to come with Asa next time and she said "I definitely should he is just so cute!" And dam the boy is really adorable! (You do know my love for Mordred and this isn't the place to talk about him xD)
*could be a spoiler*
I told her I'd be so happy to have Morgana find love because she definitely deserves it, that I'm a huge lover of Arthur/Morgana but I'd be happy with Morgana finding love with anyone else (NOT LANCELOT TOT). She just looked at me and said "Aw! Thank you! You do know I can't answer that one, but here, you just keep watching the show and I promise you won't be disappointed"
Hmmm... Now... I do have something to carry on! \O/
Then she added looking at Angel reproachfully "Yeah! Cause she got all the boys!"
Angel put her hands up and answered blushing "I know!"
And I told her "Don't worry about that, we are just all jealous!" xD

Well, this is it! I was just happy to meet the cast and they are all wonderful! ;)
And then, I was so happy to meet again with my petite puce préférée mrsleary! That was definitely the best part of the day!♥

The autographs session^^

Johnny and his "So you visited France and Camelot?" "Well... I'm kind of French" xD

Lovely Angel!♥

Lovely, lovely Katie!♥

Katie being all Morgana-like. Isn't she just gorgeous?

Here you are, at last, about my last trip in London! xD
Thanks to florejedi for the pictures! ^______________^

[character] - guenivere, [fandom] - arthurian legend, [me - myself & i], [fandom] - merlin, [seasons] - convention, [trip] - london, [actors] - katie mcgrath, [pictures], [character] - morgane le fay, [actors] - angel coulby

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