♥Bump Day!♥ - 17/06/09

Jun 17, 2009 11:54

Hey, I didn't do any BUMP since I came back from UK!
So here I am!!! ;))


Remember what I wrote?

So I thought about something.
Everyday I'll post a "Bump Post"
The first person to answer it will give me a pairing/character and a prompt and I'll write her/him a short little something... You can choose anything, really, I don't mind.

DEAL? Will you help me?

*Let's answer that new BUMP POST!

For the 03/06/09 Bump I wrote :

Bobby/John (X-men) -

« Encore ? » S’étonna un John encore ensommeillé alors qu’il pénétrait dans la cuisine de l’école.
Bobby se contenta de lever de grands yeux humides vers lui avant d’engloutir une nouvelle cuillère de crème glacée.
« A ce point-là ? » Se moqua presque gentiment le pyrokinésiste avant d’ajouter pour se faire pardonner « pancakes ? »
Cela lui valut un petit sourire reconnaissant. C’était un début.
S’il y avait bien une chose que Bobby Drake aimait presque autant que sa nourriture de consolation attitrée c’étaient bien les pancakes de St John Allerdyce.
Quand John déposa les pancakes tout chauds devant le museau de son ami, non sans les avoir noyés dans une bonne dose de sirop d’érable au préalable, il promit dans un sourire qui se voulait convaincant « Ca se passera mieux la prochaine fois »
« C’est ce que tu me dis à chaque fois, Johnny » Lui sourit enfin pleinement son ami.
Et John espéra tout simplement que cette prochaine fois serait enfin la bonne. Il espéra de tout cœur qu’il aurait enfin le courage de parler à son meilleur ami et qu’il serait son prochain rendez-vous galant.
For heera_ookami


Reid/Tyler (The Covenant) -

"Hey, Baby Boy! What are you doing?" asked a really annoyed Reid "I've waited for you for hours now"
Tyler sighed. Reid certainly didn't wait for more than half an hour.
"What does it look like?" he answered, annoyed.
"Dunno, man. Trying to make a fool of yourself?" joked Reid.
Tyler grinded his teeth.
"No. I'm trying to win that purple bear over there!" nearly spat the brunette, missing the target once again.
"The one with the pink ribbon?" Reid raised an eyebrow "What for?"
"You don't forget, do you? We are visiting pippii next week and babydracky made me promise we'd come with a schmoopy present" explained Tyler.
"Shit! The girl can be really scaring!" Reid remembered too well the last time he saw babydracky and prayed all the Goddesses he knew about for the girl not being at pippii's.
"Okay, Baby Boy, you're hopeless" Reid said far more seriously now, taking the shot gun "Let me win that cute little thing to save your cute little ass"
Reid was really concentrated when Tyler stood behind him and whispered in his ear.
"If you shoot the cute little purple one with the pink ribbon, I promise you a good reward, bad boy"
"What kind of reward?" asked Reid trying not to look like too interested.
"The kind that would involve my mouth..." teased the younger.
Reid shot and hit the teddy bear right in the middle of the forehead.

"You cheated" smiled Tyler when they got back to the hammer "You used"
"I got you your teddy bear, Baby Boy" smirked Reid putting the cute little purple thing on the bonnet sitting right next to him "so..."
"So?" provoked Tyler.
"So, I've got my favorite lollipop"
Tyler smiled at the blond before kneeling in front of him.
"Oh, Reid" he barely whispered before opening the boy's zip "don't let the teddy bear watch"
"Why not" moaned Reid, impatient "I'm pretty sure it'll use it to good, like telling our beloved pippii a pretty good story"
For pippii

[character] - bobby drake (iceman), [fandom] - x-men, [fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [character] - stjohn allerdyce (pyro), [fandom] - the covenant, [pairing] - reid/tyler, [prompts], [prompts] - bump day, [character] - tyler simms, [pairing] - bobby/john (iceman/pyro), [character] - reid garwin, [fanfic] - sentence

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