Thank you my lovely rose_walker22

Jun 17, 2009 11:38

Thank you, my sugary rose_walker22 for writing me a so beautiful (even if really angsty) Mordred story!!!

Title: Plate Tectonics
Pairings: Arthur/Merlin, Mordred Merlin
Spoilers: Episode 8!
WARNINGS: ANGST! Dub-con that is so dubious I’m calling it non- con. Blood. Slight self harm. Lots of Merlin suffering.
Disclaimer: Merlin not mine *sob* It’s the BBC’s though I want to rob them and get away with Bradley and Colin ^_^
Summary: On a mission for Arthur Merlin comes across an old acquaintance
Notes: BabyD is taking all the blame!♥

[fandom] - arthurian legend, [character] - arthur pendragon, [fandom] - merlin, [pairing] - merlin/mordred, [fanfic] - oneshot, [character] - merlin, [character] - mordred pendragon, [fanfic] - for me, [pairing] - arthur/merlin

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